In reference to Rachel Held Evans and Dr Michael Brown ...
Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall Teach men so, he shall be called the least in the Kingdom of Heaven : but whosoever shall do and Teach them, the same shall be called Great in the Kingdom of heaven. - Mat 5:19
Christians should not use curses frivolously though it is in the scope of our Authority in Christ to Speak them. - Mat 16:19 1Co 5:5 Gal 1:8,9
Christians should be extra careful about criticizing other Christians . Rom 14:4
Satan is a Deceiver . Can a person deny the written Word of God and receive the incarnate Word of God ?
If so, anything goes. That ( Rebellion ) is the end-game Satan has in mind.
I understand the animus of the Pastor who roundly critized her Ministry . The reality is that she was being used by Satan to undermine God's Word just as he himself had done in the garden.
Her position on Homosexuality and Feminism and rejection of Conservatism identified her as an enemy of the Cross which powerfully forgave Sin but in no wise did it condone it.
We need to keep in mind that there is no inbetween state - we are either children of God born of His Spirit that bears witness to the Truth , or we are children of Satan who deny the Truth .
Just think about it. She had the arrogance toward God , the Bible and all of Christianity to redefine Sin and to redefine the relationship between men and women and Order in the Church .
"Thy Word is Truth ." - Joh 17:17
We are born of the HolySpirit by Grace through Faith in Christ Jesus and thereby Receive the Gift of Eternal Life . - Rom 6:23
However, our Soul is Saved by the Transforming of our Minds by the washing of the Word . - Eph 5:26 . To deny the Word as Authority is to remain unclean and untransformed and unfit to serve.
I trust that she was Saved as by fire. - 1Co 3:15
I feel sorry for the family.
Lastly, Progressive is to Truth as Cancer is to Health .
"...Let God be True and every man a Liar ..."
- Rom 3:4