Do the math:
→ God is Spirit
→ So, God is the Holy Spirit
→ Jesus was born of the Holy Spirit
→ So, the Holy Spirit is the Father
That is only 2 - Father and Son.
Jesus told us that He and His Father are One .
Looking at we understand that eternal God is Word and Spirit (because God is Spirit ) .
But Words proceed from a Mind which is part of a Soul.
So, John is saying that God is Soul and Spirit (two). But he also says the two are One .
In the begetting act, the Holy Spirit produced the Body Of God whom we call Jesus .
But John tells us that the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us . So, the Body Of God contains the Soul Of God and the Spirit Of God.
God is Spirit Soul And Body just as we are who were created in His image .
God is Jesus, who is
→ the express image of God ,
→ the Word of God
→ filled with the Spirit Of God .
There are not 3 persons.
There are not 2 persons.
There is only 1 person.
Jesus Is God, the One and only. That is what Jesus Is Lord means.