Have you ever had this happen?
Someone cuts you off in traffic?
You were standing in front of a display and someone reached over in front of you?
Someone rolled through a stop sign to then drive slowly in front of you?
You open the door to enter a building and have to wait while someone comes rushing out
You are in a checkout line and someone in front of you leaves to go get another item and comes back to 'their' spot?
You were speaking and someone jumped in and talked over you?
You are driving and someone in front of you slows down and turns without signaling?
Someone parked their shopping cart in the middle of the aisle completely blocking it?
You greeted someone and they ignored you?
Have you ever been that someone? Therefore all things whatsoever you would that men should do to you, do you even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets. |
Civilization is the sum total of the behavior of people.
I can't be uncivil and expect to live in a civil society.
Each of us has a responsibility to each other for the promotion of civilization. This is the will of Christ for humanity.