When a person is Channeling they go to a particular spiritual guide (living or dead) and wait for a message from them to yet a third party.
Channeling is fundamentally a perversion which Satan introduced to Humanity .
Why did Satan lead man to this practice?
Remember, Satan excels in imitating God by taking something that is Real and creating a Fake version of it.
So, what is the Real version of Channeling ?
It is operation of the Gifts of the HolySpirit .
God is the only Spiritual Guide we should ever access by Meditation. Period.
I am reminded of King Saul who lost his Relationship with God through Pride and Rebellion. Eventually he ended up seeking the advice of the witch of Endor.
Any person who practices the Occult whether you call them witch, warlock, New Age, Channeler, etc. places themselves under the control of Satan.
Departed spirits cannot communicate with living humans. But living humans can appear to communicate with departed spirits who are being faked by a demonic spirit .
Any method Satan can use to Steal , Kill or Destroy , he will.
So, enough about Channeling as Deception and Wickedness.
What about the Real thing which Channeling fakes?
The SpiritGifts are for edification of the Body of Christ. There is only One Spirit in which Christians should operate and that is God .
Remember, we a New Spirit beings through the NewBirth. We are born of the Spirit of God .
So, our Spirit is part of God the Father's Spirit. Hence, it is entirely appropriate for us to 'channel' God the Father .
This is what Jesus did. He said that the Words He Spoke and the Works He did were by the Father .
Jesus constantly channeled the Father !
He instructed us the be BornAgain. He told us to Ask the Father for the HolySpirit. He told us to be Filled with the HolySpirit .
For what purpose?
To empower us to do greater Works than He did !
But we can't do greater Works than Jesus ! He after all is the only Begotten Son of God. He is Lord of Lords and King of Kings !
Who are You ? Who am I ?
You and I were not begotten of God in the flesh as Jesus was, but we are Sons of God anyway.
Jesus said "that which is Flesh is Flesh and that which is Spirit is Spirit ".
He was telling us that the physical person is not the important one. The Spirit being is the important one and we must be BornAgain of the HolySpirit to enter the Kingdom of Heaven .
Jesus is the FirstFruit of the Father. "First" implies there are others. You and I are Fruit of God's HolySpirit because we are born of Him.
So, back to Channeling , or rather, the Gifts of the Spirit ( SpiritGifts ).
God wants to Minister to us and through us by His HolySpirit but we must be receptive, sensitive and submissive to the HolySpirit for Him to Work through us.
Paul instructed the Church at Corinth to " Covet " the best Gifts. Remember, this is the same Church which had terrible behaviour problems which he had to rebuke.
The implication is that we operate in the SpiritGifts based on who God says we are in Christ Jesus. You see, the Gifts of the Spirit are for edification of the Body .
Edification is 'helping'. Jesus said that those who are whole do not need a physician, but those that are sick. So, limitation or failures on our part do not preclude the HolySpirit manifesting Himself through us by one or more the SpiritGifts .
Here comes Satan again...'You are not worthy of the HolySpirit using you. You did something that is unChristlike the other day. The HolySpirit won't use you. You are in the flesh'.
He is a Liar and the chief of them. He is a thief and the king of them.
No man is worthy in and of themselves for the HolySpirit to give them the time of day, much less use them through one or more of the SpiritGifts .
But we are called the Sons of God ! That means God has willed it and it is so.
Even is this Glorious status of be a Son of God we can do nothing of ourselves. Just as Jesus channeled the Father so must we in order to do the Works He did.
When our bodies are Transformed at the appearing of Christ Jesus there will be no need for us to consciously or intentionally channel the Father by the HolySpirit. In that day, all the impediments of the Physical Body and the un-Transformed Mind will be gone.
But, until that day we are to pray in the Spirit which is Channeling the Father. Until that day we will ask God for a Word of Wisdom or a Word of Knowledge and wait till the HolySpirit communicates it to us. Until that day we need the Gift of Faith , Healings , Miracles , tongues and interpretations .
These Gifts take us from a Weak state into a Glorified (or Blessed ) state. This is God's Love working in us until that which is Perfect is a Reality .
The fake (Channeling) produces Death. The Real thing (SpiritGifts ) produces Life !
So, channel the Father by meditating on His Word , Praying in the Spirit , coveting the best Gifts and yielding to His direction.