If Homosexuality is not Sin , then neither is any other Biblically defined Sin . Another Way of saying it: If God was Wrong about that Particular Sin , then He may be Wrong on everything else He said in the Bible .
Many people confuse Forgiveness and condonement. Forgiveness implies there is something to Forgive . Condonement implies there is no Offense .
If there is no Offense there is no need for Forgiveness and so there is no need for a Saviour and so Christ's Death was completely unnecessary.
The Gift of God is Eternal Life through Christ Jesus . It is a Gift . Let me repeat that: it is a Gift .
But God's Law Says that the Soul that Sins will Die ; that the wages of Sin is Death . This Law plays out on anyone who Sins whether or not they have been BornAgain . The Death is loss of Abundant Life - not Eternal Life .
Can a person hold on to wilful Sin and be BornAgain ? ( Remember, we are Saved by Grace through Faith . ) The answer to this question can only come from God but it appears from Scripture that such persons cannot enter the Kingdom of God .
I Believe that Homosexuality is no more honorable than Child molestation or pornography Addiction . They are all Sins that come from Bondage .
No Scripture can be Found allowing or condoning Bondage of any type. Accepting Bondage flies in the face of the Fact that whom the Son sets Free is Free indeed.
Pride and self-worship keep us from the Truth about ourselves. If there is a deficiency in our Lives we have to blame ourselves rather than God if we ever Hope to be delivered.
Saying "I was Born that Way " is a Way of saying "God screwed up so He can't blame me".
Adam and Eve determined that God was Wrong about the forbidden fruit . That is all that is going on with the Social position on Homosexuality .
God was not Wrong about the forbidden fruit and He is not Wrong about the Abomination of Homosexuality .
I Stand with God on all issues of Morality . Any other stance is in mid-air which inevitably results in a Fall .