    [ Created: 2019-03-22 08:30:16  Updated: 2019-03-22 22:05:39   Owner: rl ]
Title: The Bible is Inspired by God    

The Key thing that we need to keep in Mind is that God has always used men to communicate to other men about Himself. And a man's Ministry may only reflect a single facet of the Great God of the Universe.

When we read the literal Words of the Bible we have to keep in Mind time and situation as well as the writer's Perspective on why God said what He said and did what He did.

If you look at any man's life and ministry ( except for Christ Jesus ) you get a skewed Perspective on God regardless of how 'righteous' they may appear. This is because of their personal experiences, their biases, their revelation and the limitations of the human brain.

The term 'rightly dividing the Word of Truth ' has been around a long time. It is a way of addressing the apparent Changes in God's Purpose and Attitude from Dispensation to Dispensation and Covenant to Covenant.

A casual reader of the Bible , especially the Old Testament, will not get the correct view of God.

As a matter of Fact , Christ Himself made this statement:
On these two Commandments ( Love ) hang all the Law and the Prophets . Mat 22:40

He was saying that God has always been Love and always will be.; that everything that the Law and Prophets said must be interpreted from that correct Perspective of God regardless of the precise wording and Tone of the Scriptures .

The major theological conflicts between Christians derive from the differences in their overarching concepts of the Nature of God .

The HolySpirit , who is God , only operates perfectly through a person when they are motivated by Love (sounding brass...). Has God changed? No!

We get only a few explicit glimpses into the Love Nature of God in the Old Testament with the exception of Psalms .

Why is this? The men whom God used in the Old Testament operated primarily by Command rather than Love. They rarely provided an explanation of the Law or God's rationale for saying what He said or doing what He did.

Why? Because they did not really Know God. They had a limited view and Understanding of God and worshipped Him in Fear by command.

This is major! It is the difference between a Son and a Servant. The Son Knows and Loves the Father while the Servant may simply just Obey Him.

The Servant Fears God because of the Consequences of disobedience. The Son's Fear of God is actually Respect , admiration, Honour and Love .

Jesus said:
Search the scriptures; for in them ye Think ye have Eternal Life : and they are they which Testify of Me. Joh 5:39 .

He was saying that the Truth about Himself was not obvious in the Scriptures ; that you have to search through them to find those that " Testify " of Him (the True and Living God ); and that only those Scriptures generate Thoughts which produce Eternal Life !

That is an amazing statement! Jesus was not undermining the Scriptures but clarifying how they should be used.

In the same way we must Understand time and situation with respect to Jesus' own Words. He was an Old Testament Prophet , the sacrificial Lamb and King of Kings and Lord of Lords at various points in His Life .

This is why the Revelation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ came through the Apostles by the HolySpirit who did not serve multiple roles as Jesus did.

Yes, all the Scriptures are Inspired - motivated by the HolySpirit. But we must read them from the Perspective of the Truth or we will get confused about God for the reasons stated above.

The Truth is that God is Love and He proved it 1) in Christ Jesus' Sacrifice and 2) the Gift of Eternal Life and 3) Relationship with Him through His indwelling HolySpirit !

Any lesser Perspective on God drives us toward Legalism , away from Grace , and kills Faith leaving us insecure and unproductive - without the Fruit and Gifts of the HolySpirit .