Satan has always tried to undermine our understanding of the Lord Gen 3:5. He has always impuned His character.
To not grasp the Love Of The Lord is to miss the most important thing about Him.
To not appreciate the implications of the Holy Spirit in you is to the first step toward coming under the Spirit Of Unbelief.
Yes, the Holy Spirit is the One who will change us from corruptible to incorruptible at the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ 1Co 15:52.
However, we now have the `quickener` in us to make us alive today. He is the One who implements the provisions of Grace in our lives according to our faith in the Word Of The Lord.
Unless we walk in the Spirit we will not experience the power that He represents.
We walk in the Spirit by calling into play the Word Of The Lord - hearing, believing, receiving and doing it (He Be Re Do).
All things for life and godiness are ours 2Pe 1:3, but they are appropriated according to the power that works in us Eph 3:20.
We are not to be sick, weak or poor. We are supposed to be healthy, strong and prosperous. And we can be in the Holy Spirit and the Word.
That day to which Jesus is referring is the day of Pentecost when His Holy Spirit came to dwell in us.
The Holy Spirit is Christ in us the hope of glory Col 1:27.
If you do not believe and walk in the Truth of these words then the Spirit Of Unbelief has some level of hold on you.
Repent of unbelief, choose to believe the Word Of The Lord and rid yourself of the Spirit Of Unbelief.