[ Created: 2023-02-02 13:02:34  Updated: 2023-02-02 20:43:22 Owner: rl ]
Title: What is wrong with seeing our Creator as three persons?    



Have you ever heard the phrase:
What in God`s name blah blah blah ?   

Well, what is God`s name?   
    How many of us would be satisfied with no name, so that people always addressed us as `hey you`?   I don`t see any hands raised.   
    How many fathers out there would be happy being addressed as `father` instead of by your given name, just because you were a father?   
    How many of you would expect people to give you credit for what two other people did?   (I suspect there are some C E Os out there with hands raised).
    How many of you would be happy in a relationship with a person through another person who told you about the person you were to be in relationship to?   
    How many of you would accept being the person who accomplished so much but who did not receive credit for it?   

There is one God (deity), not three.   Jesus is our Creator, Saviour, Healer, Deliverer, King, Lord and Judge.   He is Almighty God.   

What about the Holy Spirit and the Father?   
The Holy Spirit is the Father.   
The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Christ Jesus.   

Jesus said: `I and my father are ONE`.   He did not just mean that they were in agreement, He meant that they are one person.   

Jesus said: `If you have seen me you have seen the Father.` He did not mean that they looked similarly.   He meant that He is the express image of the Father.   

Why do we persist in circumventing the being who has all power in heaven and earth to worship some nebulous entity called `God`?   

Why do we not honour the Holy Spirit who is the Spirit of Christ Jesus who abides in us.   We do not receive Jesus into our hearts, we receive His Holy Spirit.   

One physical being cannot occupy the same space as another physical being.   But the Spirit of Christ Jesus can occupy both Jesus and those who receive Him.   We call this the Baptism with the Holy Spirit.   

Why do so many Christians reject the concept of Spirit Baptism while clinging to the notion of having Jesus in their hearts?   
It`s as if they are saying: `You can come only so far Lord.   My body is mine.`

Jews and Muslims know better than Trinitarian Christians about our Creator.   They know that there is one Creator, one Deity, one God.   

The perverse concept of three-in-one bypassed the very Truth that Jesus represented and represents.   
    Jesus is Almighty God.   
    Jesus is the Everlasting Father.   
    Jesus is the Prince of Peace.   
    Jesus is the Light of the World.   
    Jesus is Truth.   
    Jesus is Life.   
    Jesus is the only Way to our Creator BECAUSE HE IS OUR CREATOR.   

Our Lord Jesus has patience with our ignorance but He does not want us to remain ignorant.   He knows that there has been misleading and false teaching.   He does not hold what we don`t know against us.   But once we hear the Truth we are required to receive it to be accepted by Him.   

The Truth is that Christ Jesus is God - the only God.   The Jews of Jesus` day choked on this reality and, unbelievably, many who name the name of Jesus do not treat Him as God but as God`s vice-president or worse yest, His gofer.   

Again, the Lord is patient with ignorance but there is coming a day that every knee will bow and every tongue will confess the Jesus Christ is Lord (GOD) to glory of the Father (His Holy Spirit).   

There is absolutely no reason for believers in Christ Jesus to need another person in some godhead for anything.   He has given us His Holy Spirit so that we have access to all spiritual blessings in Him.   

Polytheism is error.   It is time to reject it and its cloak, Trinitarianism, and begin to worship the Lord in His Holy Spirit and Truth (what the Holy Spirit speaks).   

Let`s look at one of the most quoted verses among Christians.   
And in that day you shall ask me nothing.     Truly, truly, I say unto you, Whatsoever you shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it you.
Jesus is telling us to refer the Holy Spirit Father using His name, Jesus.     That is because the Holy Spirit Father is the Spirit Of Christ Jesus.     

That day to which Jesus is referring is the day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit came to dwell in us.     

The Holy Spirit is Christ in us the hope of glory .     

What a beautiful promise!   But who is the Father?   
Is He the 1st person of the godhead that we have to trust exists?   No, He is the Spirit Of Christ, the Holy Spirit who is in us.   What Jesus is telling us is that when He is physically gone, we can talk to His Holy Spirit directly because we receive Him in Jesus name.   

Yes, the Spirit Of Christ, the Holy Spirit, who is the Majesty issues forth from Heaven (the Spirit Realm) but just as the Holy Spirit empowered His image, Christ Jesus, He also wants to empower us who receive Him.   

When the Spirit Of Christ, the Holy Spirit is in a person they have no need of anything outside of them.   There is no reason to cry out to God in heaven because the only true and living God is now present in us by faith in Christ Jesus.   

We aught to talk to the Father in us who is the Holy Spirit of the Son, Christ Jesus.   Our connection to Christ Jesus is through His Holy Spirit.   We have neither seen Him, heard Him or felt Him except by and through His Holy Spirit.   

Please worship the Lord Jesus in His Holy Spirit and His Truth.   He is seeking such.   When you do, He will manifest Himself to you and through you.   

You need Him, I need Him.   The world needs Him.