Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast you your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you. |
Here is how to identify a swine. If,
→ When you mention God they flare up or
→ When you mention the Bible they flare up or
→ When you mention Jesus they flare up or
→ When you mention sin they flare up or
→ When you mention repentance they flare up
you are dealing with a swine.
Such have rejected the Holy Spirit Of Truth .
Stop talking to swine about Grace (pearls) and warn them of The Judgment .
Shake their dust off your feet and go in search of a person whose heart is Good Ground .
If a person does not have a Love Of The Truth they are unreachable by the Holy Spirit, they are unreachable by the Word and so they are unreachable by you.