    [ Created: 2019-03-16 14:02:12  Updated: 2019-03-16 14:41:16   Owner: rl ]
Title: A thing that someone Believes to be Real but that exists only in their Imagination

Religion has constructed many Gods over the centuries.
The Imagination of men to get a handle on who God is has led to some very bizarre practices.

Though there are some elements of truth in various Religions , for the most part they all represent gross misconceptions of the nature of God and His plans for Humanity .

Men made assumptions about God based on observation of nature and humanity. They tried to understand Sickness , Disease , Tragedy , Evil and Death from the standpoint of a god who needed to be placated to mitigate the evil in the world.

Basically, man created gods in his own image - gods that thought and behaved like themselves. They imputed imperfection to their gods, made them temperamental and judgmental.

Man's Pride caused him to blame 'the gods' for his own mistakes and therefore imperfectly humanized any god they created.

In Order to clear the air and set things aright in terms of the Truth about Himself , God came to Earth in Human form.

God's Name is Jesus . He came telling us to Change our Minds about Him ( Repent ).

He came to establish Peace toward men .

He came to Reconcile man to Himself.

He came to demonstrate the Love of God .

He came to demonstrate the Power of God .

He came to make us His Children .

He came to Give us His HolySpirit , His Power and His Authority .

He came to pour our His Grace upon us.

In short, Jesus came to show us the Way to God , to tell us the Truth about God and to Give to us the Life of God .

Any Idea about God other than what Jesus demonstrated Him to be is a False Theology . It is a Figment of an Ignorant or Corrupt Imagination .

No amount of Rationalization , no amount of sincerity, no amount of adherents can Change the Fact that there is Only one God and He is Jesus .

"Come unto Me All ye that Labor and are heavy laden and I Will Give You Rest ."

This is the Loving invitation of the Only True and Righteous God who has revealed Himself in our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ .

" I Will Give unto him that is athirst of the Fountain of the Water of Life Freely "