[ Created: 2019-03-16 10:59:22  Updated: 2024-04-14 07:07:14 Owner: rl ]
Title: Is Pleasure a Good thing?    



Is pleasure sinful?   


Can pleasure be sinful?   


God experiences pleasure.   He created us to experience pleasure.   

No pleasure by God:

For I have no pleasure in the death of him that dies, says the Lord: wherefore turn yourselves, and live you.

Jesus told us to change our way of thinking about God (repent).   

There are still too many Christians that think sickness, disease and death somehow glorify God - that it is His will.   

In order to receive the blessings that God has provided for you in Christ Jesus, you must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.   diligence is a matter of focused faith in His Word.   

Believe and be healed!   experience the abundant life that Jesus provides!   

Pleasure in giving us the Kingdom
Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom.
We must try to understand the depth, breadth and height of the Lord's love for us.     
    He created us.     
    He redeemed us.     
    He filled us.     
    He has made us His heirs.     

This verse does not say the Holy Spirit wants to share His Kingdom, rather, it says He wants to give us His Kingdom.     

That gift comes by being one with Him so that He manifests in us and through us.     We become part of His life and, in fact, He becomes ours.     

Fear is the extreme result of doubt.   

Our Heavenly Father has given us the kingdom.   It brought Him pleasure to give it to us.   
For the kingdom of heaven is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit is the Spirit Of Christ Jesus.     When we are In Christ we are in His Holy Spirit and He is in us.     It is by oneness with His Holy Spirit that we reach our design potential.     

The Kingdom Of God is the Kingdom Of Heaven.     It is about relationship with the Holy Spirit Father of Christ Jesus, by which we manifest His righteousness, peace, joy and love.     

The Kingdom Of God is, first of all, in our minds and hearts.     From there it transforms our thoughts, our words, our actions, our very lives.     

God wants us to think bigger than our physical needs.   He wants us to be totally aware of His love (imputed righteousness) so that we operate the kingdom in joy and peace.   

Doubt is the only thing that keeps us from functioning as a royal priesthood.   

Believe God!   

Pleasure in His People
For the Lord takes pleasure in his people: he will beautify the meek with salvation.
The beauty of a New Spirit being cannot be seen with our eyes.     But its glory shines for all eternity in the Holy Spirit who has begotten Him.

Have you ever seen a person whose physical beauty was lacking but their smile and radiance made them attractive?   

That's us when we allow the joy that Christ has given us to show through.   

Think on Him!   

Pleasure in Fatness
They shall be abundantly satisfied with the fatness of your house; and you shall make them drink of the river of your pleasures.
The Lord created all things for His pleasure and His pleasure is to fellowship with us.

Jesus told us to seek God and His righteousness and all the other blessings of life would flow to us.   Are you talking to Him?   He is the source!   

Pleasure in prosperity
Let them shout for joy, and be glad, that favour my righteous cause: yes, let them say continually, Let the Lord be magnified, which has pleasure in the prosperity of his servant.
The Lord enjoys us enjoying His creation.     His bounty He has given to us.

Let me see if I got this...   the Creator and owner of All things gets pleasure out of His servants prospering?   

If You know a ' prosperity Gospel ' hater, share this verse with them.   They have missed out on too many blessings for too long and have denied God the pleasure He would have gotten by them totally believing in His goodness and receiving from His storehouse.   

Expect God to do great and mighty things in your life.   That is His pleasure!   

Pleasure in His presence
You will show me the path of life: in your presence is fulness of joy; at your right hand there are pleasures for evermore.
The Lord is our exceeding great reward.     The Holy Spirit is the Spirit Of Jesus Christ who has made His dwelling place in us and us in Him.

Jesus is the life.   Jesus prayed for our joy to be full - it is in Him.   Jesus is at the right hand of the Father, where the eternal pleasures are.   

Whatever your need, it is found in Christ Jesus!   

No pleasure in self righteousness
Is it any pleasure to the Almighty, that you are righteous?     or is it gain to him, that you make your ways perfect?

The answer to both these questions is no.   

This is hard for religious people to understand.   We all tend to think that our good deeds are somehow gratifying to God.   The reality is that:

  1. our righteousness is as filthy rags
  2. it is Christ in us the hope of glory.   
  3. it is God who gives the will and the power to do things pleasing to Him
  4. we are saved by His Grace - unmerited favor

This is liberating and it is powerful.   We all get frustraed by our failures.   The Truth is that we are His workmanship.   

Revel in Him!   praise Him!   rest in Him!   

Pleasure in Work
For it is the Holy Spirit which works in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.
Your will is a part of your soul.     It is that part of you which opens and closes doors.     

When you open your heart to the Lord Jesus Christ, you enable Him to recreate you in the New Birth.     

As you submit your will to His Holy Spirit you enable His will to manifest in you.     

To the extent that you work out your Soul Salvation through the submission of your will to His, you will see the Holy Spirit perform holy acts through your life.     

It is the New Spirit being that you are, which you allow to manifest, which is in sync with the Holy Spirit, which directs your will and actions.

When we do something really good, it was God inspiring us and God giving us the strength to do it.   

He gets all the credit.   

On the flipside, when we fail (sin) it was self that decided and self that did it.   But it was Christ who took the blame.   

He gets all the credit.   

What a wonderful God we serve!   rest in Him.   give Him praise, Honor and glory!   

His pleasure is for us to glorify Jesus
Wherefore also we pray always for you, that our Lord would count you worthy of this calling, and fulfil all the good pleasure of his goodness, and the work of faith with power:
We are counted worthy when we recognize and respond to the Lord Jesus Christ with worship and service.

How are we found "worthy of His calling"?   
We talk about the goodness of God in faith and power.   We glorify Jesus for His Grace to us.   

If we don't talk about Jesus we are not proving worthy of Him.   But not talking about Jesus indicates our relationship with Him is not where it should be.   Our relationship is not where it should be because we don't consider what He did for us; we don't see our dependence on Him; we don't understand His love for us; we don't see ourselves as He sees us.   

When we appreciate His worthiness, then we become worthy.