You shall have no other gods before me. |
All those who deny Christ Jesus in this world, will Jesus deny before His Father in heaven.
A believer may succomb to pressure and deny Christ.
An Informed Unbeliever does deny Christ by virtue of his unbelief.
What about those that deny that Jesus and the Father are one - those that say there is a greater being in the universe than Jesus, calling him 'God'?
Are they denying Jesus?
The Muslims believe that Jesus was a great prophet.
The Jews believe that Jesus was a great prophet.
Neither believe that Jesus is YHVH.
Trinitarianism is a back-door into denial of Jesus as the eternal, Almighty Creator. It positions a being that we cannot know or even wrap our heads around as higher than Christ Jesus. They call him 'God'.
I have been trying to understand what is the fundamental reason for the apparent weakness in the church. I know that part of it is a denial of the Holy Spirit as the eternal, Almighty Creator in favor of the 'higher being' that they refer to as 'God'. It has only occurred to me of late that the denial of Jesus as Mighty God is a significant part of the problem.
We want revival. We want healing. We want restoration. We pray to 'God'. He does not appear to hear us. Why?
→ We don't call Him by His right name - Jesus
→ We do not submit to the Holy Spirit who is the Spirit Of Christ Jesus
→ We are not obedient to the command of Christ Jesus to spread the Gospel
→ We have not submitted to Christ Jesus
→ We have given place to the Devil
The power to deliver, to heal and to save is found in the name of Jesus by the power of His Holy Spirit. We will not see revival, healing or restoration until we return to our first love, Christ Jesus, and begin to do our first works - worshipping Him in Spirit and in Truth.
Know this: Jesus is the Truth and His Holy Spirit is the Spirit that is referred to in . There is no other name (than Jesus) under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved .
We need to get our theology straight, believe right, talk right and live right in the Light and Truth of Christ Jesus.
We overcome by the blood of the Lamb and our testimony of Christ Jesus being Mighty God, Saviour and Lord. It is in that testimony that we will put our lives on the line as is indicated in .
Know this: Every person will stand before Jesus Christ in The Judgment. Jesus is the righteous judge.