[ Created: 2024-01-20 09:34:03  Updated: 2024-01-20 10:53:34 Owner: rl ]
Title: Inability to think straight because of bondage to perversion    



Homocrazia is a disease that develops in homosexuals as a result of lying to themselves about their perversion over long periods of time.   

Its symptoms are:
    inability to think logically
    hatred toward those who do not validate them

The twisted logic and hatred causes blindness to any of the good that the one hated may have done.   In most cases, it actually causes the infected to see that good as evil.   

Homocrazia can only be cured by repentance and deliverance through Christ Jesus.   

Since it is the lying to oneself about homosexuality that actually brings on homocrazia, non-homosexuals who validate homosexuality can also become infected.   

The societal impact of homocrazia is catastrophic.   Since the infected are polarized against those who do not validate them, as the number of infected increases, everything that was good in society is destroyed.   
    faith in God
    family unit
    healthy lifestyles
    quality education

It is likely that liberalism has its roots in people affected by homocrazia.   

As a final note, homophobia does not exist except in the minds of those affected by homocrazia.   
No one fears a homosexual.   
At most they are just disgusted by it.