How you see things is completely dependent on where you are relative to what you are observing.
When you are at the bottom of the mountain it appears as an obstacle. But when you are on top of the mountain you see the mountain supporting you.
The main thing Christ Jesus wanted to accomplish is for us to be freed from an evil perspective.
→ we were fallen creatures
→ we were separated from God by sin
→ we were guilty and doomed to death
Our perspective was one of hopelessness at the foot of a mountain that we could never climb.
Jesus came to put us on top of the mountain that had so intimidated us.
→ He redeemed us from the penalty of sin
→ He sanctified us with His blood
→ He set us free
→ He gave us eternal, abundant life
→ He gave us His Spirit
→ He made us His brothers
→ He made us joint-heirs of all that the Father has
The old perspective is the Old Man, the Sin Nature.
The new perspective is the New Spirit being who is part of the Holy Spirit and one with Jesus.
But we must choose to cut loose the old perspective and take on the new perspective.
We must choose to walk by faith and choose to cease walking by sight.
Heaven is real. It is the Spirit Realm where all spiritual blessings are found. It is where God is. It is where the new you is right now.
Let your mind be renewed, transformed to the Mind Of Christ so that you can be like Him.