Perception is subject to our senses.
What we perceive through our senses may or may not be reality.
We have all heard the story of witnesses observing the same accident holding completely opposite Perceptions of what happened and where the fault lay.
The whisper circle is another example of how what was originally said becomes unrecognizable by the time it goes all the way around the circle.
Does limburger cheese smell bad? The majority's Perception would give a yes answer. But obviously not everyone's Perception is the same. Otherwise, limburger cheese would not exist.
Our senses upon which Perception is based are imperfect. They are affected by Physical , Mental , Emotional and Spiritual flaws.
So, the search for Truth should not be limited by our senses. This is why Jesus told us to "Have Faith in God !"
Jesus also told us to "Search the Scriptures for in them you think you have Eternal Life and they are they which Testify of Me."
The point of this very eye-opening statement about the Scriptures is that not all of them have the right Perception of God .
Christ Jesus came to set the record straight about who God is and what His Character is all about.
Does this mean we doubt or throw out those Scriptures which conflict with the Image of God as demonstrated in Christ ?
No, we simply need to recognize that different writers of the Scriptures had different Perceptions of what happened and why it happened.
We still have this problem today. Sincere Ministers of the Word do not Understand the Character of God and so interpret Scripture and current events from a skewed Perception .
Jesus said " Repent " for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. He was telling us to change our way of thinking (and so our way of living) because God wanted to pour out His Love and Grace upon us - not Wrath as was so emphasized in much of the Scripture .
The more completely we change our Perspective on God to the Truth , the more we open up the pathway of Faith to Receive His Grace .