→ 4000 - Creation
→ 2500 - The Flood
→ 2100 - Continents
→ 1800 - Abraham
→ 1300 - Moses
→ 1000 - David
→ 800 - Isaiah
→ 600 - Daniel
→ 500 - Malachi
→ 200 - Maccabees
→ 6 - Jesus born
→ 31 - Crucifixion, Resurrection Ascension
→ 70 - Jerusalem destroyed
→ 300 - Catholicism established
→ 600 - Islam
→ 1100 - Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholicism split
→ 1500 - Protestantism
→ 1700 - Enlightenment
→ 1776 - America founded
→ 1900 - America is great
→ 2000 - America falls
MK - Millennial Kingdom
→ Jesus return
→ 1000 The Judgment
HE - New Heaven And Earth
→ We have very little information on this glorious, eternal period |