The Gift of SelfWill is the most amazing thing that God gave mankind. - Gen 1:26
Out existence is amazing.
The intricacy of our bodies is mind-boggling.
The Universe is stupendous.
Earth is a Beautiful resiliant planet.
But the Gift of SelfWill tops it all
None of the other Gifts at Creation are Eternal.
None of them are Spiritual.
All of the Angels, Seraphim, Cherubim and winged Creatures were Created in subjection to God''s Will.
Everything in the Universe operates according to God's Will but man.
God gave us His ability to Choose when He Created us in His Image. - Gen 1:26
Because He wants us to be like Him - by Choice . - Phi 2:5
Receiving Christ as Savior is easy.
It is a Free Gift which eliminates the penalty and Guilt of Sin. - Rom 6:23
Receiving Christ as Saviour does Not Not threaten our autonomy - our SelfWill.
To Receive Christ as Lord is another thing.
It means we Submit our SelfWill to His Lordship - His Will. - Col 2:6
Why is this so difficult?
Why do we so often pay lip Service to it?
Why do we habitually defy His Lordship ?
That is the Nature of SelfWill.
It Loves Self.
It focuses on Self.
It Worships Self.
Thou shalt have no other God's before me. - Exo 20:3
God wants us to exercise our SelfWill. - Phi 2:13
But He expects out SelfWill to conform to His Will. - Phi 2:5
Because He Loves us and wants what is best for us. - Eph 1:3
God Knows us intimately and He Knows what the best path is to find Happiness. - Psalms 139:1-3
I am your Shield and your exceeding Great Reward . - Gen 15:1
But God , You Created some wonderful things, and I want to Feel and experience All those things.
who...worshipped and served the Creature more than the Creator - Rom 1:25
God wants a Personal Relationship with each of us. - 1Co 1:9
God wants us to be like Him.
With All the Glory of Creation , we are the apple of His Eye. - Psm 17:8
He wants to be the apple of our eyes. - Exo 20:3 Mat 22:37
Trusting God is critical.
Believing that He has our best interests at Heart is real Faith. - 2Th 3:3
If You find yourself resisting God recognize You are being attacked by the Enemy - Just like he did to Eve. - Gen 3:1
When Jesus was attacked by Satan in the Wilderness He ressited him by quoting what His Father said. - Mat 4:4
Jesus trusted the Father implicitly. - Joh 14:10 Luk 23:46
The sooner we learn to Submit our SelfWill to God's Will , the sooner we Will experience Abundant Life. - Joh 10:10
That Abundant Life Will Manifest as a cup of Water overflowing with Blessings on You and into the Lives of others. - Mat 10:8 Luk 6:38
This is God's Will.
To Bless and Bless and Bless to the Glory of All Humanity and All Creation. - Col 1:27
Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the Devil , and he Will flee from You. - Jam 4:7
I beseech You therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God , that ye present your bodies a Living Sacrifice , Holy , acceptable unto God , which is your reasonable service. - Rom 12:1
When we do so, we Receive Christ Jesus as Lord. - Joh 13:13
The Act of submission must be a daily Act because our SelfWill Never leaves us - it is Eternal. - 1Co 15:31
The daily Act of submission is Pure Worship.
It Says " God , You are Good.
You Love me.
You have plans for my Happiness and my Success.
I Trust You Father with All that I am." - Eph 5:20
Stop fumbling around in your SelfWill.
Practice submitting All of yourself to God.
He Will make your paths straight ! - Isa 42:16