    [ Created: 2019-02-15 21:13:01  Updated: 2019-02-15 21:28:03   Owner: rl ]
Title: Son and Servant

Phillipians 2:5-8
5 Let this Mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesu s:
6 who, being in the form of God , thought it not robbery to be equal with God :
7 but made Himself of no reputation, and took upon Him the form of a Servant , and was made in the likeness of men:
8 and being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became Obedient unto Death , even the Death of the Cross .
This passage speaks to the duality of Christ - God and man.

He had the Mind of God and did what God sent Him to do.

He had the body of a man and became a Servant to Deliver , Heal and Forgive .

We are to maintain that same Duality that Christ had.

When we were Born of the Spirit we were Born of God so we should have the Mind of God and consider His Power , our Power .

But as Christ operated in the Mind and Power of God as a servant, so should we operate - to Deliver , to Heal and to Forgive .

Many great men of God have failed to manifest the Duality in balance.

The problem that destroyed Satan was his Pride . He was so beautiful, so musical, so glorious that he coveted the Honour that belonged to God .

When a person begins to operate in the Mind , Power and Authority of Christ , people will be drawn to them as much as to the God that empowers. That adoration can destroy a man just like it did Satan .

That is why we must at all cost continue to see ourselves as servants while the New Creature Manifests the Power and Authority of God .

The apostles of the early church were such men. They are needed today if the world is going to be Saved .