Regardless of what Society Thinks or the Government legislates, Homosexuality is Perversion.
It is destructive to the participants firstly and to Society secondly.
Sexual Perversion of any sort is a step into depravity which typically is followed by another deeper step into more depravity until Humanity ceases to have any connection with
the God who Created it in His Image for His purpose.
- Sexual Lust
- Experimentation with the same Sex
- Questionning one's sexual orientation
- 'Determining' that one is a Homosexual
- Obsessing over Sex
- Defining oneself by sexual orientation
- Promotion of Homosexuality
- Legitimization of Homosexuality
- Recrimination against God
- Recrimination against those who agree with God
- Perform sex changes in pursuit of sexual gratification
- Gender questionning
- Gender manipulation
- Child molestation
- Beastiality
- Destruction of Society
- Destruction of Civilization
When Wickedness of any sort is accepted it opens the door for more Wickedness.
Those who are Wicked in one area have no conscience or will to Condemn someone in a different area of Wickedness.
And so Licentiousness prevails till you have Spiritual, Psychological, Physical and Social Lawlessness.