[ Created: 2023-02-01 16:37:32  Updated: 2023-02-01 17:34:38 Owner: rl ]
Title: Hate is now attributed to people who disagree on ideology or policy    


I have been suspended by Twitter for hate.   
The reality is that I don't hate anyone.   I have the love of Christ in me.   
I also have the laws of Christ in me.   They are written in my heart.   
I was suspended for speaking the Truth about immorality.   

It is important to note that hate is an emotion.   It is not words or even actions.   Words may imply hate.   Actions may imply hate.   
Is it hate when a parent scolds their child for wrong-doing?   
Is it hate when a parent corporally punishes their child for wrong-doing?   

I understand that the morally superior pagans out there may answer both those questions in the affirmative.   But having scolded and corporally punished my children I can assure you that neither was done out of hate.   

No one knows what is going on in another person's heart.   So, attributing hate to a person for any words they use or action they take is patently unjust.   

So, use of the word, hate, is to demonize the individual whom the authority deems offensive or dangerous to their ideology.   This is fascism.   

Law always offends lawbreakers.   It goes without saying.   
We live in an age that has rejected the Law Of The Lord and has gone about creating laws to come against the Law Of The Lord.   
It won't work.   

However, their tactics will serve to further polarize the populace ending up by legitimizing the extermination of those whom they deem as hateful.   

Just to be clear, a hater desires ill-will and even death to the object of its hate.   In most cases haters will organize and implement programs to eliminate the hated.   

So The New Hate is simply another instance of Word Hijacking which is a chief tool of the left.   

From a Christian perspective, there is no room in a believer's heart for animosity toward another person.   So, hate is precluded by our relationship with the Lord.   

However, a believer in Christ is by definition a believer in the Word Of The Lord which defines Christ Jesus.   The Bible, which contains the Word Of The Lord, is very clear on morality, especially that which should be used for social standards.   

So, unlike pagans who are free to pick and choose what moral standards they accept, or not, Christians are locked in on the definition of morality.   

As a result, we see pagans who have now risen to the tops of the Seven Mountains of influence, espousing and militantly enforcing their morality, which is in fact, immorality by Christian standards.   

So, those moguls of the Seven Mountains go about setting policy and redefining hate (and other words) to move society toward a state of moral collapse.   

On what basis can I make such a statement?   
The premise of the left is that morality is defined by the individual rather than the Lord or society.   Obviously, there is always some depraved wretch who will lower the bar even further.   We have seen the bar lowered several times with respect to sexual immorality.   

Example 1:
sex outside of marriage was scorned upon
adultery became commonplace
sex before marriage became 'normalized'
unwed mothers were no longer pariahs
open marriages are not unusual
baby-daddies are commonplace
children are raised by single moms
government programs subsidize unwed mothers
children are often raised by grandparents

Example 2:
homosexual acts used to be illegal
don't ask, don't tell became the rule
LGBTQ defined as an alternative lifestyle
Homosexual marriages legitimized
Bible teachers preachers are called haters
Pornography has become a scourge
Child trafficking is a major problem

The evidence of the collapse of society is not just in the blatant immorality of individuals, societal norms and government policy regarding it, but the collapse is bleeding over into the economy and in politics.   

Despite the evidence that The New Hate is an unjustified attack on traditionalists based on the above and other areas of collapse, the proponents of these destructive polices are digging-in and doubling-down on their aggression against traditional norms and values.   The reality is that they are fighting against the Creator Law giver.   They will never succeed in destroying His creation despite their best efforts.   

In the meantime though, these enemies of the Lord and so, enemies of His children, will continue to ramp up attacks against the fabric that has held civilization together by focusing their hate against those they hate, all the while calling their enemies haters.   

So, we must push back on the lunacy of their redefinitions of words like hate, normal, good and evil while recognizing that the enemy, Satan, is going about to destroy as many people as he can while there is yet time.   

I hope that all believers will stand strong on the Word Of The Lord while resisting the urge to hate those who hate the Lord and themselves.   To do this, each of us must read and reread the Word, allowing it to transform our minds while we pray in the Holy Spirit, so that we are like Christ and not like the enemy, Satan, or his children.