Because the carnal mind is enmity against the Lord: for it is not subject to the law of the Lord, neither indeed can be. - The Lord is a Spirit. He does not relate to the animalistic tendencies of man because that mindest cannot grasp the value of His laws and so cannot live in them. |
A Carnal Mind knows only what can be experienced through the five senses.
It is as if there is nothing beyond the physical universe.
But there is!
The Carnal Mind is not aware of and cannot relate to God who is Spirit.
Those who see and live life from the perspectuve of a Carnal Mind are in spiritual darkness.
They are Lost.
Jesus talked about people who had eyes but could not see, who had ears but could not hear.
He was talking about people with Carnal Minds who could not or would not grasp the spiritual Truth.
Life flows from God who is Spirit.
Though physical life orginates from that Spirit it has no power to rejuvenate or continue indefinitely.
This is why the Carnal Mind is enmity with God. There is a big disconnect.
God, who is life cannot coexist with death.
The Carnal Mind results in death sooner of later in every respect.
The disconnect from God is spiritual death. As a result physical health is lost, hysical life dissipates and physical death occurs.
God does not hate people who have Carnal Minds. He pities them.
Furthermore, His will is that none of them perish but that they all come to experience Eternal Life.
If you know someone with a Carnal Mind share with them God's love in creating them, in suffering for them, in preparing a place for them in Himself.
If just one person with a Carnal Mind sees the light of the Gospel of Christ Jesus through your testimony, you will not have lived in vain.
When a person is Born Again they become a New Spirit being. For that person to fail to see themself as a spirit being and continue to see themself from their soul and body perspective, they have a Carnal Mind.
This is why it is imperative that we be transformed by the renewing of our minds.
Having the Mind Of Christ is the only state that enables us to walk by Faith in the Spirit.