[ Created: 2019-02-07 08:20:56  Updated: 2022-05-12 06:49:29 Owner: rl ]
Title: Price increases because of devaluation of currency     


The Congress and the Fed are responsible for Inflation.   

Inflation is inevitable when you
1) increase demand artificially through Welfare programs
2) increase demand artificially by spending money you don't have (30+ trillion debt)
3) print money.   

We have been electing lawyers to Congress who
1) are ignorant of economic laws
2) pad their own bank accounts at taxpayers expense
3) spend money to buy votes.   

What you are seeing in the market place is reality.   
Our money is not worth what it should be for reasons stated above.   

The Greed is not in the Business - it is in the Government.   

Only monopolies can raise prices arbitrarily and stay in business.   

Inflation caused by Government policy is Taxation.   Printing money and increasing the national debt inevitably result in Inflation.   

We are being Taxed without representation as those in Government do not inform the people of how their fiscal policies reduce the buying power of the they have earned and will earn.   

20220512 update - Money Supply What commodity does not decrease in value in the marketplace when the supply increases?   

More dollars means cheaper dollars.   

Coincidently, as more money is available, demand for products increases causing the price of the products to increase.   

The only way to keep prices for products stable while increasing money supply is to increase the supply of those products.   

' Free money', by definintion, does not come from producing, hence there is no increase in product supply coupled with an increase in demand for product.   

.   ..   Inflation.