[ Created: 2024-01-06 09:29:09  Updated: 2024-01-06 11:25:27 Owner: rl ]
Title: Balancing freedom and health    



It is impossible to retain shit in the body.   It must come out.   

What do you do with it?   
    drop it right where you are or
    deposit it out of sight and smell

Animals drop it right where they are.   

Man was created in the image of his Creator, Jesus Christ.   He was designed for glory.   

We have a problem with immorality.   It reflects man`s Sin Nature born out of the gift of Free Will from his Creator.   

Immorality is spiritual shit.   

Do we just drop immorality whenever and whereever we want or do we do it in private and keep it out of sight and smell?   

As we see the homeless numbers rise around the country and their massing in big cities, we get reports of public defecation with the resultant areas becoming human sewers avoided by those who can.   

The people who live in such areas become used to the smell and sight of it as well as the sight of others defecating around them.   

So it is with immorality.   The more one is exposed to it, the less it stinks.   

But just as it is with human defecation there is a health cost associated with living in it.   

Immorality is a manifestation of spiritual disease.   Because it is communicable, the number of incidences of immorality increases as exposure to it increases.   

Eventually those who live in their shit will die from infections that arise out of it.   

Eventually those who live in immorality will die from the spiritual cancer that it engenders.   

When all of our society defecates right where they are, society`s health will deteriorate and society will die.   

When immorality is everywhere in everyone society will become unbearable and humanity will die.   

So, what do we do with immorality?   
    Do we take away people`s freedom to be immoral and promote it?   
    Do we allow immorality and the promotion of it to operate in freedom?   

The answer to this question depends on one`s opinion of what stinks.   
    To the moral person, immorality stinks.   
    To the immoral person, immorality smells good.   

Ultimately, the Lord Jesus Christ has the say on what is done with immorality.   But in the short term man has to make decisions about it just as he does with handling excrement.   

Can the case be made that living in excrement is bad?   
Obviously it can and has been made so that we have plumbing and waste treatment operations.   

Can the case be made that living in unchecked immorality is bad?   
Obviously it can and has been made, so that we have drug treatment centers, mental illness treatment centers, etc.   

So, if the case has been made that immorality is bad, it is legitimate for society to suppress it - at least at the public level.   

But, we have people in high places who live in immorality and push back on controlling and publicizing immorality.   

Just as the homeless people have determined that living in their shit is a small price to pay for their freedom from societal norms, so it is with the immoral crowd.   Their freedom to commit and publicize immorality is worth the price paid for their own immorality and the price paid by society for them exercising that freedom.   

If we want to live in good physical health we must not shit where we are.   
If we want to live in good spiritual health we must not sin where we are.   

"Don`t ask, don`t tell" was a policy that managed the freedom to be immoral while protecting others from the ill-effects of homosexuality on society - most importantly, its children.   

We all have the right to shit.   
We do not have the right to shit right where we are.   

My rights end where another`s begins.   

So what does this come down to?   
    We have no right to protect people from themselves.   
    We have a responsibility to protect society from shitters, both physical and moral.   

Therefore laws must be in place to put boundaries on where one can and cannot shit and where one can and cannot be immoral.