[ Created: 2019-01-28 22:42:06  Updated: 2023-03-04 22:39:05 Owner: rl ]
Title: A minister who leads a group of believers    


Everyone who preaches the Gospel is a gift from the Lord to mankind.   

Pastors lead a local group of believers.   How do they lead?   In teaching, in worship and in example.   
They are not to take the place of Christ Jesus or the Holy Spirit in the lives of those they lead.   

When we look into the book of Acts we see virtually every convert becoming a minister of the Gospel.   They actually had to appoint some of the Holy Spirit filled ministers to serve the tables because daily physical needs were being ignored in the interest of preaching the Gospel.   

As we look at the church today, how many people are on fire for the Lord so that all they want to do is preach the Gospel?   
What has happened?   
Sermonettes have replaced the pure, direct, powerful Word of the Lord
the Holy Spirit has been put on the shelf
organization has taken the place of inspiration
maintenance has become the objective rather than deliverance

As a result, the operation of many churches has become a burden for those who 'serve'.   

I would encourage those pastors who are carrying the burdens of the people in their congregations to take those burdens (as they did their own) to the Lord and leave them there.   

In order for that to work, they must convince the people to be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.   

How do we convince them?   By preaching the Word and demonstration of the Holy Spirit.   

Christians are not supposed to be needy.   They are supposed to be healed and delivered so that they can become ministers of healing and deliverance to others in need.   

We believers are to explode in faith and not implode in unbelief .   

Stop bailing harder and faster and start plugging the holes.   

References (59) to pastor
Pastor A minister who leads a group of believers
2 - Fully Persuaded Faith How to move mountains
2 - God and Country God and Country
4 - Christians and Politics Christians and Politics
4 - Godly Fear The Fear of the Lord
1 - Hearing God How To Hear God’s Voice
2 - Flowing in Holy Spirit How To Flow In The Gifts Of The Holy Spirit
2 - Sowers and Eaters Sowers and Eaters
2018 Election Results What do the election results mean?
10  3 - Power of a Testimony Power Of A Testimony
11  4 - Sky Is Not Falling The Sky Is Not Falling
12  Alton Messer Alton Messer Funeral
13  American Worldview Inventory 2022 by the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University
14  AWMI - DEMO Discipleship Evangelism Missional Outreach
15  BAMA Benson Area Ministereal Association
16  B A M A Thanksgiving BAMA Thanksgiving Service Program
17  Barna World View Barna survey re Worldview
18  Blasphemy Of The Holy Ghost To denigrate the Holy Ghost ( Holy Spirit)
19  Bobby Johnson Bobby Ray Johnson
20  Capitol Used as a Church
21  Childish Acting inappropriately like a Child
22  Church Education Educating the youth in Church plants
23  Creationism Seminar Intelligent Design and Debunking Evolution
24  Deceived Convinced that a Lie is the Truth
25  DEMO Level 1 Discipleship Evangelism Missional Outreach Level 1
26  DEMO Level 2 Discipleship Evangelism Missional Outreach Level 2
27  DEMO Level 3 Discipleship Evangelism Missional Outreach Level 3
28  Destabilize To undermine and weaken
29  Discipleship Seminar Part 1 Discipleship Course Part 1
30  Discipleship Seminar Part 2 Discipleship Course Part 2
31  Discipleship Seminar Part 3 Discipleship Course Part 3
32  Discipleship Seminar Part 4 Discipleship Course Part 4
33  Discipleship Seminar Part 5 Discipleship Course Part 5
34  Discipleship Seminar Part 6 Discipleship Course Part 6
35  Discipleship Seminar Part 7 Discipleship Course Part 7
36  Discipleship Seminar Part 8 Discipleship Course Part 8
37  Discipleship Seminar Part 9 Discipleship Course Part 9
38  Discipleship Seminar Part 10 Discipleship Course Part 10
39  Discipleship Seminar Part 11 Discipleship Course Part 11
40  Discipleship Seminar Part 12 Discipleship Course Part 12
41  Discipleship Seminar Part 13 Discipleship Course Part 13
42  Discipleship Seminar Part 14 Discipleship Course Part 14
43  Discipline To make a person a Disciple
44  Five Fold Ministry The five offices of Ministry in the Church
45  Funeral Funeral Service Preparation
46  Gladys Pearce Johnson Gladys Pearce Johnson
47  I Remember My memories of God's blessings
48  Judy - Civil Suit Judy - Civil Suit
49  NLPC New Life Pentecostal Church
50  Parenting Seminar How to be a godly parent
51  Politician Pastor A pastor whose primary focus is self
52  Pride Or Power When we Rebuke and Exhort is it Pride or Power
53  Priesthood The Priesthood of the Believer
54  Progressive Christian An oxymoron
55  Randy Lucas Randolph Lucas of Benson, N.C.
56  Style Over Substance Pretense, Superficiality vs Truth and Wisdom
57  Tithe Ten percent of increase
58  Trump Coarseness The gift and cost of being coarse
59  Wicked Culture 7 Reasons Pastors Stay Silent in Our Wicked Culture