Pastors lead a local group of believers. How do they lead? In teaching, in worship and in example. They are not to take the place of Christ Jesus or the Holy Spirit in the lives of those they lead.
When we look into the book of Acts we see virtually every convert becoming a minister of the Gospel. They actually had to appoint some of the Holy Spirit filled ministers to serve the tables because daily physical needs were being ignored in the interest of preaching the Gospel. Act 6:3
As we look at the church today, how many people are on fire for the Lord so that all they want to do is preach the Gospel? What has happened? → Sermonettes have replaced the pure, direct, powerful Word of the Lord → the Holy Spirit has been put on the shelf → organization has taken the place of inspiration → maintenance has become the objective rather than deliverance
As a result, the operation of many churches has become a burden for those who 'serve'.
I would encourage those pastors who are carrying the burdens of the people in their congregations to take those burdens (as they did their own) to the Lord and leave them there. Mat 11:28-30
In order for that to work, they must convince the people to be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Eph 6:10
How do we convince them? By preaching the Word and demonstration of the Holy Spirit. 1Co 2:4
Christians are not supposed to be needy. They are supposed to be healed and delivered so that they can become ministers of healing and deliverance to others in need. Mat 10:8
We believers are to explode in faith Mar 11:22 and not implode in unbelief Heb 10:38 .
Stop bailing harder and faster and start plugging the holes.