I have been a Christian since age 11. I read the Bible , taught Sunday School and became a Minister at age 24.
Though my Heart was sincere often I did not Understand what I read and sometimes I unknowingly didn't believe literally what it said. I read it through rose-colored glasses.
A specific example of this is that I believed in the basic Goodness of mankind - particularly those in Authority . I trusted them.
You may say "well I do too and that is not a bad thing". Then how do we deal with this Scripture :
Jeremiah 17:9
The Heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately Wicked : who can Know it?
You see, the truth is that we are all born with a SinNature which will undermine our Thoughts and actions. I agree that there are instinctive tendencies toward Goodness in Humanity - God put them there - but they are easily perverted by our SinNature .
When we ignore Truth and Believe a Lie we are Deceived . When we are Deceived we Trust in things that are not trustworthy and fail to Trust in the reliable.
Any man or woman who has not had their SinNature replaced with a NewNature by being BornAgain through Receiving Christ Jesus as Saviour and Lord is totally untrustworthy. Even a BornAgain individual cannot be fully trusted because they may still be walking in the Flesh rather than the Spirit .
You say, that is very Cynical . I can't deny that. But that is scriptural and experience verifies it. Husbands cheat on wives. Treasurers dip into the till. Politicians Lie . Advertisers overstate their product. False prophets. etc.
What is the scriptural basis for being Cynical ?
1. "believe not every spirit " 1 Jhn 4:1
2. "prove all things" 1 Thessalonians 5:21
3. we are "as sheep in the midst of wolves" Matthew 10:16
Naive and gullible are the opposites of what the above Scriptures Exhort us to be.
"Why can't everyone just get along?" See Jeremiah 17:9 for the answer.
We are where we are as a nation because we ignored the Wisdom of Scripture . We opened ourselves up to be Deceived . We were Naive , gullible and, quite honestly, lazy.
As Samson awoke from Deception and regained his strength, so must we if we are to save ourselves and our country from Physical , Political , Societal Destruction .
For those who are comfortable in their "religious convictions" please take another look at the Book ( Bible ). Separate your Mind from preconceived notions about what it means. Pray for Revelation - Spiritual Understanding .
As a person Thinks in his Heart , so is he. Proverbs 23:7 .
Remember, it is "The Truth " that sets us Free - not what we 'believe' is truth.
God bless You !