The Spirit Of Globalism is the Spirit Of Antichrist.
While globalists give lip service to diversity, making room for all religions and all people, the reality is that it is for monolithic control of humanity.
Globalism`s main strategy is divide and conquer.
Satan hates humanity but uses it in his fight against the Lord Jesus Christ. Whereas Christ Jesus came to set us free and give us Abundant Life, Satan is all about bondage and death.
When you hear globalists promoting
→ abortion
→ population reduction
→ reduced carbon footprints
→ living smaller lives
you hear them echoing the heart of Satan who comes to steal, kill and destroy.
It seems that free people are focused on identifying who is behind the globalist movement when the Word Of The Lord is clear on the subject.
Individual people are either tools for the Kingdom Of Heaven or tools for the Antichrist Kingdom.
So, the actual people involved are irrelevant in the long term as is the person who will eventually receive power to rule the globalist one-world government.
Either Satan rules the world through man or Christ rules the world through man.
That is, until Christ Jesus returns to earth to establish His Millennial Kingdom.
Even then it will be the man, Christ Jesus, who rules.
As we approach the End Of The Age the Spirit Of Antichrist will intensify along with the push for globalism. There will be a globalist government in the end.
The person who sits upon the throne of the government along with their spokesperson will be destroyed at the return of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Ultimately even the master-mind behind rebellion against the Lord Jesus Christ will be dealt with.