[ Created: 2020-05-22 09:59:15  Updated: 2024-03-24 09:33:01 Owner: rl ]
Title: We are a new spirit being in the New Birth    



There have been times that I have tried to take an old piece and spend many hours working on it, focusing and pouring myself into it with the hope of restoring it.   

Sometimes I get to the point that I realize I have been wasting my time, that I really need to just throw that thing away and get a new one.   

The interesting phenomena there is how we can work so hard, and we can be so focused, and we can put so much of our energy and our time and our resources into something without taking a step back and looking at things objectively.   

One of the mistakes we often make is that we dont count the cost.   We don`t ask "What is it going to take for me to restore this thing?   Would it be easier, would it be cleaner, would I be happier if I just threw that away and started afresh?"

So, our objectivity is an issue in our lives.   We tend to relate to everything subjectively - meaning, we are involved in it, there is a relationship.   There is an emotional component, a sentiment, there is history.   

All these things come into play to keep us from being objective and making really good decisions.   

The alternative is for us to just be cold blooded - disconnected from everything - to just look at things so matter of factly that we have no compassion, no emotion, no sensitivity at all.   

So, there is a balance for us to maintain.   

But, the wisdom of God will enable us to apply objectivity to do a good cost-benefit analysis and to consider if there are people involved, if there are feelings involved and situations involving humans.   

And we balance that out.   That is the Grace of God that is the wisdom of God and His Spirit working in us.   

But, to the extent that you do decide to take a path and pursue something you really need to take a little time to assess the benefits and the cost so that you save a lot of time and money, from going down rabbit holes and throwing a lot of resources away.   

Now, back to the New Creation.   

The Lord knew what would happen when Adam sinned.   His spirit would die.   So, before the foundation of the world was laid, Christ Jesus was slain in the mind of the Holy Spirit.   He knew that trying to fix man or save Him through legalism would not accomplish anything.   (However, unlike the Lord, many do believe that legalism is the way to salvation).

The Lord has birthed us anew by His Word and His own Spirit.   We are not refurbished.   We are New Spirit beings In Christ Jesus.   

Stop fretting about that which has already been redeemed or that which will soon be redeemed.   Focus on the potential of the New Spirit being that you are and allow the Holy Spirit to glorify Christ Jesus through you.   

What does the New Creature look like?   

Now, that may seem like a short, smart answer but it is the truth:
For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of the Holy Spirit.
We are anxious for the glory to manifest at His return but we are already Joint Heirs of all things.     

Furthermore, the world is anxiously waiting for the manifestation of the Sons Of The Holy Spirit.     Just as was the case when Jesus came to earth, the world needed Him to show the light and Truth about the Creator.     

We are the light of the world now that He is in heaven, and we are to season the earth as He did by the same Holy Spirit whom He has given us.     

The world needs us.

Wnat does a Son Of The Holy Spirit look like?   

Again, that might sound like a short, smart answer but it is the truth.   
Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.
This is one of the most ignored things that Jesus said.     Why?     Because we choose to be believers only.     We resist becoming disciples.     

Disciples follow their master in His footsteps learning from Him and imitating Him.     

Jesus is telling us that we are to spread the Gospel, heal the sick, set captives free and make disciples of all men.     

We can only do this by the power of the Holy Spirit operating in a vessel with the Mind Of Christ.     

What did Jesus mean by 'I go unto my Father'?     Jesus returned to the Spirit Realm (Heaven) when He ascended where the Holy Spirit Father is most readily experienced.     It is the seat from where The Majesty emanates throughout the universe.

Some interpret that verse to mean that we will accomplish more because of our numbers.   But that is reading into the verse and believing what Jesus said.   

The reality is that most Christians simply operate in unbelief.   
    not unbelief in who Christ is, but
    unbelief in who they are.   

Jesus was a man who believed what the scriptures said about Him and went about in the expectation that those scriptures would be fulfilled in Him.   

When John was wondering if Jesus was the Christ or not we hear Jesus answer:
Then Jesus answering said unto them, Go your way, and tell John what things ye have seen and heard; how that the blind see, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, to the poor the gospel is preached.
The prophecy of the Messiah was being fulfilled in Jesus.

Most Christians fit the description of themselves as this verse condemns.   
For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves: but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise.
We act foolishly when we violate any of the following:
    A believer should never commend themself - tout their own abilities or qualifications.     
    A believer should never disqualify themself - focus on their deficiencies.     
    A believer should never measure themself by someone else.     
    A believer should never compare themself with someone else.     

The Lord wants to make us glorious.     He has a plan for us that is unique among all humanity.     In that uniqueness there is glory to Him who glorifies Himself through glorifying us.     

Consider how a flowering plant has many blossoms.     Of those blossoms one will likely stand out as the most beautiful.     But none of the other blossoms look at the best among them and so determines not to bloom.     

So bloom in the unique way that the Word and Holy Spirit choose to manifest in and through you,

Jesus told us to live by the Word Of The Lord, not by our rational minds or what others believe.   
But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the Lord.
This is not just a response to put Satan off.     But, more importantly, it is a statement of Spiritual Law which clearly elevates the importance of every Word Of The Lord.     We cannot experience Abundant Life without abiding in His Word.     

Just as food is necessary for Physical Life, the Word Of God is necessary for Spiritual Life.     the Lord is a Spirit so we can only relate to Him in Spirit and in Truth by faith.     We need the Holy Spirit of the Lord and we need the Word Of The Lord.

Walking By Sight is unChristian.   We are expected to Walk By Faith.   
(For we walk by faith, not by sight:)
To `walk` is to live, to talk and to do.     

`by Faith` is to believe, speak and do the Word Of The Lord in faith.     

To exist in the world without the Word and the Holy Spirit is to walk by sight.

We are expected to live from the perspecting of the New Creature not from the Old Man.   
If we live in the Holy Spirit, let us also walk in the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit is the Spirit Of Christ Jesus.     When we are In Christ, we are in His Holy Spirit and His Holy Spirit is in us.     

Since we have New Life by the New Spirit it only makes sense for us to walk in the Spirit.     Walking implies that our physical lives are different - that we talk differently, that we do differently.     

Jesus is fully man and He is fully God because His Spirit is the Holy Spirit.     He was not born with the Sin Nature that the rest of us were.     But He had to learn submission to His Holy Spirit Father.     When He was baptised with His Holy Spirit He was empowered to walk in the Spirit.     He went to the wilderness fasting and praying until He was totally conformed to the will of His Holy Spirit Father.     When He left the wilderness He was prepared to walk in the Spirit.     

To walk in the Spirit is to believe and appropriate the promises of the Lord Jesus Christ while fellowshipping with Him in His Holy Spirit.

Here are some practical ways to put the reality of our New Spirit being status in play:
    speak the Word
    ask with the expectation of receiving
    give thanks upon placing a request
    change the conversation
    be the head and not the tail
    exercise the authority of Christ Jesus
    claim His promises unapologetically
    look for faith in others
    set people free who are in doubt and fear

We can do nothing by ourselves but the Holy Spirit Father is Christ in us who speaks His Words and does His works through us.       if we are willing and obedient.   
If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land:
The `land` that is referred to in this verse is not just the earth but it is heaven also.     Actually, it is more importantly, heaven.     

The natural things of the earth are wonderful and they are the `all these things shall be added unto you`.     But the blessings in Heavenly Places are many orders greater than anything the earth provides.     

Self Will is the second greatest gift from our Creator next to life itself.     It is a gift which can empower us or destroy us.     

When a person turns their will against the Lord, they are destroyed by that decision.     When a person turns their will to the Lord Jesus Christ they experience abundant, eternal life.