There are no fundamental differences in human DNA regardless of what part of the world a person originated.
The key to understanding what civilization is all about is the word `civil` which means courteous and polite .
It is just an artifact of the spread of the Gospel of Jesus Christ that the west became truly civilized.
Apostles and ministers of the Gospel of Jesus Christ went all over the world making believers in every place.
What happened to the middle east and Africa?. Islam came along forcing Christians to denounce their faith in Christ and accept Islam. This resulted in those areas of the world going back into darkness.
Islam was stopped from taking over in north west Asia and Europe and so Christianity, freedom and progress occurred. That is why the term Western Civilization came to be used.
The key to the power of Christianity is a changed life. This changed life is actually a New Creature who is capable of being courteous and polite.
Christ Jesus said this:
And as you would that men should do to you, do you also to them likewise. |
And the second is like unto it, You shall love your neighbour as yourself. |
We know that Christian`s do not perfectly keep these commandments. But, to the extent that they know this is their Lord`s will, they aspire to keep them.
This is the key to ChristianCivilization:
→ a changed life
→ love commandment
Christians were enabled by their Lord to be cooperative, to be tolerant and to be happy with the success of others.
This attitude difference enabled the people in Europe, and later America, to accomplish things that improved life for everyone.
Without getting into the details of his life let me point out that Henry Ford wanted to make it possible for every person to own a car. You may argue that it increased his sales and profits, but the reality is that he could have become super-wealthy by buying cars for and charging exorbitant prices to the wealthy.
Having a sense of community and a care for it is intensely associated with Christianity.
Western Civilization is Christian Civilization.
As we see the beneficiaries of Christian Civilization forsaking their roots, we see a fragmentation and dissipation of civilization. The result is that everyone is getting worse off.
It is important to separate technology from the concept of civil as technology cannot be courteous or discourteous. Neither can it be polite or impolite.
Technology is controlled by people and people are controlled by their hearts.
The Spirit Of Globalism is the Spirit Of Antichrist and its goal is to destroy Christian Civilization. Since Christ Jesus is the light of the world, this goal is to put humanity back into darkness.
If Western Civilization is to continue it must recognize its foundation and acknowledge that it is a Christian Civilization and return to its First Love, Jesus Christ.