A highly developed culture    
References (58) to 'Civilization'
Age Of Civility Was there ever a time when people were civil to each other?
Alma Mater Nourishing mother
Animal Animals are, well, animals
Black Culture What has held black people back - it is not Racism
Blip Little bit of Wisdom through RL
Chaos Complete disorder and Confusion
Civilization A highly developed culture
Consequence The result of a Choice
Crusades War against Islam
10  Cultural Marxism Attacking Western Culture to Prepare for Economic Marxism
11  Culture A particular form or stage of civilization
12  Culture Struggle Kulturkampf - German word for culture clashes
13  Eunuch A man who has been castrated,
14  Freeloader A person who enjoys the benefits of others efforts
15  Getting On Board Committing to a path and destination
16  Homosexual Homosexual Marriage
17  Honor Shame Considering the effect of speech, beliefs, and actions has on the collective
18  Intellectual A person convinced that ideas are an end-all
19  Islam Islam
20  Islam - anti - Christ Islam is fundamentally anti-christ
21  Islam History The History of Islam
22  It Is Time It is time that we stop, turn around and go back
23  Joseph Mc Carthy Joseph Raymond McCarthy 1908-1957
24  Joysof Muslim Women Joys of Muslim Women
25  Largesse Generosity in bestowing money or gifts upon others
26  Lawlessness A spirit of rebellion against law and order
27  LGBTQ Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer
28  Liberal Art Non hard Science Education
29  Multi Culturalism Encouraging more than one Culture
30  Mutilation Infliction of serious damage on something
31  New Age The New Age is the recycled Old Age
32  Old Age Prior civilizations with their foibles
33  Pandemic Psychology Why the Pandemic works to accomplish its goal
34  Politician Pastor A pastor whose primary focus is self
35  Poverty Lack of the things necessary for healthy life
36  Pray For Beth Beth Moore has wilted.     She needs prayer.
37  Propaganda Information , especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view
38  Racism Is the issue Racism or Culturalism
39  Rap Is Crap Nothing uplifting, peaceful or joyous about it
40  Segregation Separation based on Culture
41  Sexual Depravity Moving away from proper function of Sex to experimentation for gratification
42  Single Parent A manifestation of Paganism
43  Social Repentance Things that Society must change in order to be saved
44  Tech Immorality Using technology to injure people
45  The New Hate Hate attributed to people who disagree on ideology or policy
46  Theocracy A Government where 'god' has Authority
47  Thoughtson Islam Observations on Islam and it's manifestations
48  Trump Donald J.     Trump - president
49  United Nations Organization of nation to compromise
50  Vandal A person who deliberately destroys or damages public or private property
51  VPN Virtual Private Network
52  WASP White Anglo-Saxon Protestant
53  Western Civilization White European Christian Religion, Government and Society
54  White Culture The Culture that most white people accept
55  White Privilege The perception that white people are Privileged by their whiteness
56  White Supremacy Christian Culture not skin color
57  Witchcraft Communication with the Devil or with a familiar spirits
58  Word Hijacking Using good words to mask evil intentions