# | Item | Description |
1 | Universe | The totality of all Creation |
2 | 2 - Faith - Filled Words | Power Of Faith-Filled Words |
3 | 2 - Where Am I From | Where Did I Come From |
4 | 2 - Your Spiritual Authority | Your Spiritual Authority in Christ Jesus |
5 | 3 - Solar System | The planets of our solar system |
6 | 3 - Spirit Soul Body | You are Spirit Soul and Body in Christ Jesus |
7 | 4 - Stars And Galaxies | The stars amd galaxies glorify God |
8 | 4 - Who Made Satan | Who actually made satan? |
9 | 4 - Word Became Flesh | Word Became Flesh |
10 | 5 - Do Not Limit God | Do Not Limit God |
11 | 7 - Theistic Evolution | Did God create the univese by Evolution |
12 | 8 - Intelligent Design | The universe was intelligently designed |
13 | Abundance | Overflow - more than enough |
14 | Angst | An unfocused feeling of deep anxiety or dread about the world or human condition |
15 | Carnal Mind | A Mind that is blind to the Heavenly , the Spiritual |
16 | C O V I D - 19 Country | America Under COVID-19 Insanity |
17 | Creationism | The belief that the universe was created by God as Genesis describes |
18 | Creationism Seminar | Intelligent Design and Debunking Evolution |
19 | Creator | The One who Created all things - Christ Jesus by the Holy Spirit |
20 | Deism | Practical recognition of God without Revelation |
21 | D E M O 1_12 - Word Integrity | Integrity Of God’S Word |
22 | Deny Jesus | To speak unbelief about Christ Jesus |
23 | Diversity | Difference that is destructive |
24 | Diversity | Variety |
25 | Dog | A domesticated canine |
26 | Dominionism | A Conviction that Christians ought to Rule the Nations of the World |
27 | Earth | The place where man dwells |
28 | Existence | The fact of being |
29 | Exploration | The action of traveling in or through an unfamiliar area in order to learn about it |
30 | Fair | Treated or shared equally |
31 | Faith | Substance of things hoped for; evidence of things not seen |
32 | False Science | Science falsely so called |
33 | Fixing Religion | Jesus couldn't, you can't, don't try |
34 | God | The generic name for deity |
35 | Great White Spirit | The concept of a life force, a Supreme Being |
36 | Healed | The result of Jesus bearing stripes for you |
37 | Healing | The state or act of being healed (see Heal) |
38 | His Plan | The plan of God in Creation was Relationship with Us |
39 | His Thoughts | God's Thoughts About You |
40 | Imagination | Image + Nation → powerful, ruling, mental pictures |
41 | Incompetent_ Irrelevant_ Immaterial | The state of evidence that has been disqualified |
42 | Increase | Become or make greater in size, amount, intensity, or degree |
43 | Inspired | The Bible is Inspired by God |
44 | Intelligent Design | The idea that life, or the universe, cannot have arisen by chance and was designed and created by some intelligent entity |
45 | Intrinsic Value | Value that is inherent, ocurring naturally |
46 | Know Thyself | A Delphic maxim inscribed in the pronaos of the Temple of Apollo at Delphi |
47 | Law Of God | God is Creator and Law Giver |
48 | Law Of Gravity | The unseen, unexplainable but undeniable Force of God's Word that holds the Universe together |
49 | Law Of Jesus | The spiritual and physical laws that govern heaven and earth |
50 | Law Of The Lord | The spiritual and physical laws that govern heaven and earth |
51 | MLK | Martin Luther King, Jr. |
52 | Mystery | That which is hidden or not understood |
53 | Mystery Of God | Who is God and what is He up to? |
54 | Name Of Jesus | The powerful, glorious name of Jesus |
55 | Narrow Way | Jesus is the narrow way the strait gate |
56 | Nietzsche | A sad modern Philosopher |
57 | Order | The arrangement of things in relation to each other according to a particular pattern |
58 | Original Sin | The first Sin - the root of all Sin |
59 | Physical Law | The laws of nature |
60 | Physical Realm | The created universe |
61 | Physical Truth | The Physical Laws by which the Universe holds together |
62 | Power | Ability to do Work, to accomplish a purpose |
63 | Proof | Evidence or argument establishing or helping to establish a fact or the truth of a statement |
64 | Prosperity | Success, profitability, affluence, wealth, opulence, luxury, ease, plenty, comfort, security, well-being |
65 | Providence | The foreseeing care and guidance of God |
66 | Redemption | The act of buying back - Salvation |
67 | Religion And Politics | Separate or inseparable? |
68 | Reproduction | The ability of a species to continue |
69 | Responsibility | Duty with Accountability |
70 | Royalty | The people who belong to the family of the King |
71 | Secularism Vs Christianity | The final battle |
72 | Self Will | Autonomy |
73 | Socialism | The god and Political arm of the Religion of Secular Humanism |
74 | Soul | Consciousness - the mind, emotions and will affecting the heart |
75 | Spirit Being | A being who exists in the Spirit Realm |
76 | Spiritual Blessing | A Blessing that comes from the Spirit Realm |
77 | Spiritual Law | Law that governs the Spirit Realm and the Physical Realm |
78 | System Entropy | The life cycle of a System |
79 | Time | The 4th dimension of man's Physical existence |
80 | Tongue | Speaking in tongues as the Spirit gives utterance |
81 | Trinity | The concept that God exists in three persons |
82 | Trust The Science | The mantra of a Fascist Secular Humanist |
83 | Turning Away From God | Who is God and why should we even think about Him |
84 | Wealthy Minister | Can a Minister of Christ Jesus be Wealthy ? |
85 | Why | For what reason or purpose |
86 | William Shatner | Captain Jim Kirk |
87 | Witness | Give or serve as evidence of; testify to. |
88 | Word Blessing | You may be blessed by Words |
89 | Word Of Faith | Faith in Gods Word connects us with His Power |
90 | Word Of His Power | That force which upholds all things in the universe |
91 | World | The Earth but most especially its inhabitants |