Jesus is the Strait Gate, the Narrow Way. When He was talking about few entering or finding He was talking about the generation He ministered to in the flesh.
There were only a few that believed who He was at the time of His crucifixion. We understand this in light of , , , .
Many have used the `few` reference to de-legitimize other believers who do not adhere to their specific doctrine.
Many have used the `few` reference to write people off as being reprobate or unreachable.
Still others have used the `few` reference to settle for less than the Lord`s best for humanity (us four and no more). "Elijah defeatism and depression"
Each of these tendencies are satanically inspired for the purpose of quenching the Spirit and hindering the expansion of Christ`s kingdom.
Jesus expects us to move mountains, to increase, to manifest the will of the Lord on earth as it is in heaven through the preaching of the Gospel by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Negativism, small-mindedness, settler mentality, fear and unbelief are not of the Lord.
The Lord is all about abundance, Magnifence, and overflow as demonstrated in creation and Grace.