[ Created: 2019-01-09 08:26:21  Updated: 2022-07-06 08:40:49 Owner: rl ]
Title: Ten percent of increase     
I have been a pastor for over 40 years.   Having started an independent church as a rejection of the legalism in the church I left I did not teach on tithing and still don't except on rare occasions.   

What I do say from the pulpit is that I have tithed since I was 12 yrs old and I can say without reservation that God has rebuked the devour in my life.   

not just "good luck".   

There are some extremely important principles folded into the 10% concept.   

First, it makes you think about the totality of your increase (which all comes from God).   

Secondly, it leads you to be accountable for that increase: "OK, 10% goes to God and I need to save some and I must pay this,...etc."

Thirdly, it introduces you to God's great principle of sowing and reaping.   

Will "not tithing" send a person to hell?   Of course not.   But neither will "not prayng" and "not reading the Word".   

We are to walk by Faith, in the Spirit.   
Forming good habits like praying, reading the Word, assembling together and tithing help us connect our spiritual selves to the physical world which we navigate.   

20220706 People that have not been taught the spiritual law of sowing and reaping will reject tithing as a financial drain that they can plug because it is not New Testament doctrine.   

However, Jesus told the rich young ruler to go and sell all that he had and come and follow him.   So, 10 percent doesn't seem to be too burdensome with that in mind, does it?   

God owns us lock stock and barrel.   To give is Godly.   To refrain from giving is Satanic.   

I can personally attest to the fact that God has consistently rebuked the devourer in my life as I have been a lifelong tither.

Tithing (giving) is not required for Eternal Life.   It is, however, a key ingredient for Abundant Life.   Give and it will be given to you in greater abundance than you can imagine.   Withhold to your own hurt.   

For those who believe that all giving should be to the poor remember what Jesus said - the poor you will always have with you.   Homeless people need God but most of them only want a handout, they don't want to change (repent).   Enabling such is actually counter to their own best interests.   

As to ministries and infrastructure: they cannot exist without support.   So, those who are penny-wise and pound-foolish will fall in line with Satan's plan to destroy Christianity by withholding support.   

Lastly, we are creatures of habit.   Making a habit of tithing is wiser than making a habit of exercise, making a habit to visit the doctor, or making a habit to pay your club dues.   

Be wise.   Make good habits like assembling yourselves together, giving regularly and supporting those that teach and preach the Gospel.