This world's Economy operates on Money . It is like Bread to the Body and the Word to the Soul .
Without Money You can not function in the Physical world.
The concept of equating poorness with Righteousness is false. Otherwise, anything that a person does to escape Poverty is Evil because it detracts from their Righteousness .
But the Love of Money is the root of Evil . Christ commanded us to Seek the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness and "all these things Will be added unto us".
So, this Issue with Money is where it sits in your priority scheme. If it is #1 then it is a root of Evil in your Life .
People with Money can Invest and make more Money . They can Give to the poor.
People without Money are destitute and must be sustained by the contributions of others who have Money .
So, Business is about two things:
1. Making Money
2. Being occupied with a productive activity
We already talked about the importance of Money as long as it is considered a means and not an end.
Being occupied in a productive activity is where the Law of Sowing and Reaping comes in.
When a person Invests their Time and resources into a productive activity ( Business ) there are Benefits to themselves, their employees, the community and the Government .
So, Business is a Good thing.
But some would Talk about "corporate greed" and Businesses that pollute the earth.
Why is there greed and disrespect for the Earth ? Because the heads of those Businesses are greedy and disrespectful. They are preoccupied with "money".
This is why Spirit filled Christians need to be at the heads of these Businesses .
They have a Moral perspective which creates a balance in the way the Business treats its employees, the environment and its Need for Money .