Why are there Consequences? Why do choices have good outcomes and bad outcomes? Why can`t everything just turn out good?
Those questions come as a result of being disconnected from the Creator God.
God defines Good and in so doing, He defines Evil.
God is the God of Order. Chaos is anathema to Him.
When God created the Heavens and the Earth in 6 days, each day He said that what He had done was Good. This statement implies that it could have been Bad.
There are Consequences for God`s choices just like there are for ours. On occasion in the Old Testament we see the statement "it repented God...". This tells us that the choice God made did not have the desired outcome. That to some extent it was a bad choice.
Now, we know that God sees the end from the beginning so He had made provision for the relcaimation of humanity. Nevertheless, the Sin, Wickedness and Rebellion that He encountered was extremely burdensome to Him at the time it was occurring.
The Consequence of God`s creation of Humanity was that man would have the opportunity to rebel against God.
The Consequence of man`s Rebellion was that he was Lost - separated from God.
The Consequence of God`s Love and plans for man was that Christ Jesus had to come, die and be raised again.
The Consequence of His Sacrifice is that all men who would come to God for Salvation must come through Jesus Christ and His shed blood.
The Consequence of receiving Christ Jesus is Eternal Life.
The Consequence of rejecting Christ Jesus is Eternal Damnation.
So, any attempt to avoid Consequences is a sign of Rebellion against God, His Sovereignty, His Plan and and His Will.
We are now living in a world in direct Rebellion against God. We have rejected Order. We have rejected Accountability and we do everything we can to avoid the Consequences of our decisions.
- Accident forgiveness
- Student loan forgiveness
- Credit Card dept relief
- Chapter 11
- Chapter 13
- Medicate to enable bad lifestyles
- Free pass on criminal activity
- Bail-outs for financial mismanagement
⇒ and the list goes on.
As mentioned above the fundamental problem indicated by Consequence avoidance is Rebellion against God. However, there is the very real and unavoidable Consequence of character destruction and as a result, the destruction of Civilization.
Yes, we all want to be forgiven, to get another chance. However, just as God`s Mercy is coupled with Repentance so must ours and our society`s.
God`s Laws are for our own Good. They are not punitive. They are not cruel.
So, He has stipulated that there are Wages to be paid for Sin.
He has declared that bad Seed will produce Evil fruit.
Coming under His Divine Authority is a sign of Wisdom and agreement. It is an act of Self Sacrifice and is necessary to enter the Kingdom Of God.
No laws that man can enact will circumvent the Spiritual Laws defined by the Creator God. They may appear to provide immediate relief, but will only serve to exact a higher cost down the road.