Our Creator made us to need Him. He came to this earth in order to enable us to be in fellowship with Him. This was accomplished by the Lord Jesus Christ who has enabled us to be filled with His Holy Spirit.
But all too many men prefer darkness rather than light as their deeds are evil .
Since so many men reject the Truth ( Christ Jesus) they
→ must hold on to the myths of the past
→ adopt the myths of modern philosophers or
→ create new myths using False Science to suit their purposes.
Nothing changes materially - just the details. Why? Because
Man must believe in something and worship that something.
It`s unavoidable. Even when he wants to be an atheist, he turns and worships at the altar of self or his atheist guru.
Granted, some of the old myths are still held in reverence, but its the new ones that need to be enumerated and revealed as what they really are.
So let`s focus on Modern Mythology.
Evolution Theory
No one has seen evolution in practice and not one aspect of evolution can be proven. But the believers in evolution take the word of their evolution theory priests as the truth. They are true believers in the myth of evolution.
Cosmology Theory
No one alive today was at the beginning but the believers in cosmology believe the stories that their cosmological priests share with them. People are encouraged to devote their lives to something which is unprovable and is based on science-fiction type of imagination. That makes cosmotology a myth.
Climate Change
Weather changes and it can be observed to change. Climate, as defined by climatologists, represents the average weather for long, long periods of time. Since no one lives long enough to observe Climate Change, it must be accepted on faith. The Climate Change priests spout dire predictions of the destruction of the earth which their believers take to heart despite a stream of failed prophecies. Believing in Climate Change despite the false predictions and the lack of evidence makes it a modern day myth.
Every nation that has tried communism has been bankrupted by it. Yet, the communism priests are able to convince their followers that communism leads to eutopia. People get elected to office preaching the gospel of communism while their electors rant about the inequities of capitalism with fanatical fervor. Communism has gained mythological standing in the world.
Medical System
As with any mythology there must be an element of truth to get it started. So it is with the Medical System. There have been some successes in the Medical System since, unlike the other myths above, there is actually some science involved with it. However, the key thing that makes the Medical System a myth is that people are told that they need to obsess over their health. This is the addiction factor which supports the financial interests of Medical System. So, despite the science involved, its application reeks of a mythological belief system. The revolving doors at doctors offices is evidence that belief in the MedicalSysten is of mythological proportions.
Nation Of Laws
We have been taught by lawyers that we are a nation of laws. There has never been a law that stopped an evil person from doing what they wanted to do. Now the punishment associated with laws does have an effect of ciminality.
The concept that more laws creates a better society is false because only law abiders, abide by laws to begin with. Actually, more laws creates more criminals and a sorrier society.
But the high priests of the legal profession continue to lead the people into the bondage of law through the false idea that we are a nation of laws. That is faith in the mythology of law.
Racism has taken on a mythological character as evidence of past crimes by generations long dead, and cruelties done to generations long dead have been made relevant today. There are no slaves or slave-owners around today. Yet, the high priests of racism harp on its existence today claiming that the failures of people who have been enabled to fail by the government is the fault of racists. Many believers in racism claim to be victims of it while other who believe in it claim to be perpetrators of it when neither is true. That is faith in the mythology of racism.