As far as I can tell V P Ns should not be allowed to operate unless they are willing to be sued for the malicious activity by those for which they are providing anonymity.
Just as is the case with all computing and internet capability there are arguments for features and there are arguments against features.
As we all know there has been a free-for-all environment on the internet for hackers and fraudsters.
Why? Revenue. ISP`s do not really care what you do as long as you pay connection fees.
Additionally, whole industries have been built upon the ability to hack and conduct fraud. There is money to be made.
The internet has actually become a jungle with as much or more fraud as truthful honest business.
Even the government doesn`t care. As long as they can get tax revenue and license fees they are happy.
From a civilization point of view, the current state and trend is dangerous in the same way a jungle that is left to the wild is dangerous.
The fact is that only people up to no good need to remain anonymous and anonymity is all that a VPN provides.
If your internet activity is legitimate (legal and not embarrassing) why do you need to remain anonymous?
No one knows your IP except the sites that you go to. Even then they don`t have your identifying information unless you give it to them.
Now, the above statement is true except when those sites that you visit and provide identifying information sell that information to others.
The reality is that every company pushing apps is in the information business as much as they are in the product business.
So, you really can`t protect your anonymity if you trust any site with your identifying information.
The bottom line is that encryption (HTTPS) is sufficient to protect the content of information that is trafficked on the internet.
IP protection is only valuable if you are involved in illegal or immoral activities.