    [ Created: 2018-12-30 14:53:58  Updated: 2019-01-12 17:43:59   Owner: rl ]
Title: The mission of Graith Ministries

In January of 2015 I was meditating on the interaction of Grace and Faith. As I considered the importance of in depth understanding and appreciation for Grace and Faith it became clear that the place where we are to dwell is in both.

Grace without Faith is just provision as wonderful as provision is.

Faith without an object does not profit us though Faith is positive in and of itself.

Why not marry the two? GRace + faITH = Graith .

This is exactly what God wants us to do. We must understand the magnitude of God's Grace which is His provision and appropriate that provision by Faith in His Love from which the provision comes.

Anticipation of God's Unmerited Favor is Graith

Though I have explained the interaction of Grace and Faith the Power is only manifested when the Revelation of the magnitude of the completed Work of Christ on our behalf is coupled with the simplicity and profoundness of opening ourselves up to the flow of God's Grace from an awareness of His unconditional, overwhelming Love for us.

Childlike Faith and Trust in the Eternal , Abundant Life of Christ is our goal.