“If You tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.” -- Adolph Hitler
The biggest Big Lie ever constructed is the lie that there is no God .
It is the lie which gathered steam and enlisted the support of a few scientists and many atheistic politicians, educators and media types in the 1800`s.
Formerly, scientists assumed there was a Creator, a God, whether or not they were particularly religious.
However, 19th century scientists began to look for theories to provide godless explanations in astronomy, archeology, biology, geography, and psychology.
They did not want to be under the authority of God.
They really wanted to redefine the origin, morals, culture and destiny of human beings.
So far, they have made great inroads to that end undermining lives for over 150 years by taking control of education, media, culture, economics, philosophy and government.
As we step back and analyze the chasm separating liberals and conservatives we can see that it really boils down to who has believed the Big Lie and who hasn`t.
The Big Lie provides the basis for every other Lie.
Fortunately, the tide is turning. More and more reputable scientists are turning to Intelligent Design as the explanation for everything. And that implies God.
Unfortunately, the proponents of the Big Lie and its offspring lies are deeply ingrained in powerful positions around the world. They persist in suppressing the Truth while scurrying around for better theories to fill the holes in the theories they still cling to.
The Big Lie is our challenge. We should pray that God give courage, wisdom, knowledge and a loud voice to those scientists who subscribe to Truth.
We all have the Gospel of Jesus Christ which is the spiritual battering ram to come against the Gates Of Hell.
Prepare yourself for the battle.
It can and will be won by the Truth.
We are the voice of Truth!