It is not unusual for military people to actually relish conflict. It gives them a chance to put to use what they have trained for all their lives.
The industrial complex that makes billions of dollars off of conflict desire it.
We are at a place and time where technology can actually replace most of conventional warfare techniques.
There is really no reason to have combat soldiers except for the cleanup after a technology-waged war is won.
Trump should redirect the defense related funding toward more efficient usage.
The middle east and Afghanistan are bottomless pits of conflict - a waste of time, money and human life. We should only use surgical strikes to debilitate the enemy from time to time.
The U.S. is most directly threatened by illegal immigration as well as lax legal immigration standards.
National Defense should start at our borders and move outward as necessary.
Changing our conflict strategy will free up billions of dollars for infrastructure improvement and save thousands of lives.
National Defense is about the people, not the Government.
Any Government that considers itself the object of National Defense has perverted the Constitution and has defined itself as a Domestic Enemy of the Constitution and the people it serves.
The reaction of DC, the Congress and Politicians in general to the breach of the capitol indicates a perverted value system.
Of late we have seen the destruction of moniuments to various heroes of our past by those who hold Ideological biases.
What is materially different about disrepecting and defacing the capitol? It is just a building. It`s only value is what it represents.
What does it in fact represent?
To many Americans it represents our past rooted in Faith, Freedom, Responsibiliy and Accountability. And such Americans were offended by the breach.
To those in Government the capitol represents their Dominion and the future course of America that they envision. So they were offended and incensed by the breach.
To those who understand that the past is behind us and the future is the harvest of the seeds we sow, we are not sure how to react.
In no way was the breach smart, effective or honorable. But what it reflected was the frustration of those who have concluded that the Government is OfByFor the Government.
We all struggle with being objective. We interpret what what we see and hear through the translators of experience and wishhful-thinking rather than seeing what is actually there or hearing what is actually said.
We saw at the inauguration a military presence which was there to protect and defend something. The question is what? The continuation of a broken, self-absorbed system? The preservation of a tradition and its ceremony?
The Federal Government no longer serves the majority. Its focus is on minority groups, and its main minority group is the Government itself.
National Defense of the people or NationaDefense of the Government? Which is it?