The false dossier and accusations of Russian interference in U
S. elections was cleverly constructed to divert attention from the documented crimes of Obama and Clinton.
It has been very successful. Instead of using resources to prosecute the guilty, they have used those resources to mine a bottomless pit of tangential actions and associations which have nothing to do with national security.
If you know someone is about to hit you the best thing you can do is sucker-punch them before they get the chance.
This is all the Mueller investigation is - a long, drawn-out sucker-punch to keep the real crimes of the deep state from being addressed.
As the new year rolls in, it is time to counter-punch. Stop the Mueller investigation and bring charges against Obama and Clinton for their crimes against the interests of the U.S. Prosecute the FBI players who were complicit or covered up these crimes.
The American people may appear dumb, but they know when you dig for something for two years and don't find it, it simply is not there.
Be prepared to support the president when he counter-punches.