[ Created: 2023-12-25 11:47:50  Updated: 2023-12-25 12:11:49 Owner: rl ]
Title: To reassess your thinking and eliminate wrong assumptions    



In order for a person to repent they must do a Sanity Check.   

Each of us is different from every other person who has ever lived.   

Each of us are born into imperfect humanity.   

Each of our circumstances of birth are different and none of them were perfect.   

Each of our experiences since birth is different.   

So, it is totally unrealistic for us to think that we are all sane.   After all, we all can`t be right.   

This is why a Sanity Check is necessary for each of us.   

To just go through life assuming that we are right and everyone else is wrong is evidence of a smidgen of insanity in us.   

Jesus made an outlandish claim.   
He claimed that He was the Truth.   

The implication of this claim is that either He was a liar or that everyone else was to a lesser or greater extent living a lie.   

This is what makes Christ Jesus a stumblingblock .   

This is what makes Him our Saviour and it is what makes those who reject Him their judge.   

If you perform a Sanity Check based on a lie, you have proven nothing.   

If however, you perform a Sanity Check with respect to the Truth, you find yourself acceptable or unacceptable.   

By faith in Christ Jesus as Mighty God, Saviour, Lord and King a person passes the Sanity Check.   

Every person who is found lacking in faith in Christ Jesus is by definition insane.   Such fail the most important Sanity Check there is.   

Most tests that we perform in life are intimidating, requiring mastery of difficult subjects or retention of masses of information.   

Such is not the case with this most important of all Sanity Checks.   

To pass this Sanity Check one must hear the Truth, believe the Truth, receive the Truth and do the Truth.   

And Christ Jesus is the Truth.   His Words and His Holy Spirit reveal Him to us, so that we are able to testify of Him as Lord and Saviour.   

When we confess Him as our risen Lord and Saviour we pass the Sanity Check of all Sanity Checks.   

Those who refuse to confess Jesus as the risen Lord and Saviour
    are by definition insane
    foolishly defining their own false Sanity Check,
    living in the delusion of it and
    facing the judgment without the protective covering of the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ.