Leviticus 20:2
Again, thou shalt Say to the Children of Israel, Whosoever he be of the Children of Israel, or of the strangers that sojourn in Israel, that giveth any of his Seed unto Molech; he shall surely be put to Death : the people of the land shall stone him with stones.
Molech was a Canaanite god whose Purpose is not clearly known. It is Only known that the Way he was worshipped was through ChildSacrifice by fire.
Why would a Parent offer their Child as a Sacrifice to a god ? Apparently, it was the Only Way to stay in Good standing with the god , to be protected by the god and to be Blessed by the god.
What has a 3500 year old God and his Worship have to do with us today?
Forget the Evolution nonsense. People don't Change. Their gods may Change and their styles may Change but they remain the same generation after generation.
So, there is ChildSacrifice going on today?    Yes!
It is important that You Understand what is really important about a Human before going forward.
The worshippers of Molech sacrificed the bodies of their Children to Molech. The Child physically died in the process.
This was obviously a terribly cruel practice. However, the Child was not subjected to an extended lifetime of torment. Nor was the Child subjected to Eternal torment.
Human beings are Eternal. Children belong to God and He has a plan for their Lives in the Physical Life and for eternity.
So, we Will Focus on the big picture in terms of ChildSacrifice - the Eternal one.
Let's enumerate a few of the Ways Children are being sacrificed.
- sexual abuse, incest
- sexual Slavery
- Celebrity Money and glory
- Education system
Going back to the Reason for Child Sacrifice we See that it is done to appease the god. In 1 and 2 above it is clear who the god is - the abuser, the seller.
In 3 the god is a combination of the Parent and the Child. The Parent wants to be gratified and so does the Child ( in most cases ).
In 4 we have been duped into Believing that Education is always Good and produces Good results. So, we do not See this as ChildSacrifice at all.
In what sense is sending a Child through an Education System ChildSacrifice ?
What we are taught affects our Minds , our thoughts and our Way of thinking. When we Consider what we are taught and accept it, our Heart is Transformed. As a man Thinks in his Heart so is he. Proverbs 23:7
So, we See that the Education System determines who and what a Child Will become.
If it is not in Fact the Child , who is the god that Parents Sacrifice to in the Education System ?
It is the god of the Education system.
Education was managed by the Church in our early years. The god of that Education System was the God of the Church - Christ Jesus.
Public Education is Government Education. Who is the god of the Government ?
You Say it is the same god as existed since our founding. After All , our coins still Say "In God We Trust".
Remember that Prayer to that god was ruled unconstitutional in 1963? This effectively removed God and replaced Him with another god.
Who is that god - the god of Government and Government Education ? Satan.
Now that may seem a little rash but let's Think about it. There is Only Truth and Lie. There is Only Good and Evil. There is Only Life and Death.
God is Truth. God is Good. God is Life.
So, when He was dethroned by the supreme court, He was replaced by:
Lie , Evil , Death - i.e. Satan
If Satan is the god of the Education System and You send your Child into that System You have sacrificed your Child to the Enemy who comes to Steal , Kill and Destroy.
If Christ is the God of the Education System and You send your Child into that System You have sacrificed your Child to the Savior who came to Give Abundant Life.