The U.N. declaration of HumanRights
Unlike the Declaraction of Independence which ascribes God as the endower of HumanRights the U.N. itself Speaks as the endower.
This is significant. If our Rights come from God they are inalienable. If they come from Government they may be given or taken away based on the whims of those at the head of the Government .
In essence the U.N. HumanRights statement elevates the individual above the State and above God . This is SecularHumanism Doctrine .
If You look carefully at the precepts You Will See that an individual may go to any nation and demand equal Services to those currently Living there. Sound familiar?
By placing HumanRights above the State and above God the U.N. has set the stage for international Chaos . Why?
When there is Chaos there is opportunity to take control. Their strategy is to allow each nation to be destroyed from within making it easy for the U.N. to step in and take control. No guns, no attack-counterattack, Just takeover. It Will be done under the Name : "relief".
The U.N. is Evil . It presents itself as an Angel of Light but its goal is one-world Government and one-world Religion . The Government Will be the U.N. and the Religion Will be SecularHumanism .
If You were wondering where this fits into the Bible Just Understand that the Spirit of AntiChrist is the Spirit of satanic control. Satan started off by telling Eve to ignore God and pursue Life by taking what she wanted.
I am not saying the U.N. is the seat of the Beast prophesied in Revelation . I am simply saying it ( the U.N. ) is of the same spirit.
There is to be one world Government . In this age of the world it is to be accomplished through the Converted Hearts of men accomplished by the preaching of the Gospel .
In the age to come it Will be accomplished by the Return of Christ Jesus who Will take control by force .
If we want this age of the world to flourish we must do what Christ commanded Us : Preach the Gospel to every Creature . To disobey his charge is to Enable Satan to Steal our Inheritance .
Remember, All Power in Heaven and earth is Now Christs . We are His co-heirs administering His earthly Kingdom until He Returns .