This not about marital divorces.
It is about the states divorcing themselves from the USA.
In an amicable divorce there is a reasonable and only slightly contested division of assets.
It is impossible for the left to agree to an amicable divorce of the USA.
Because they are globalists. They want everyone and every country to be absorbed into the One World Government of the antichrist.
An amicable divorce would really be nice though, particularly in light of the irreconcilable differences between us.
Does anyone see any grounds for agreement between the left and the right at this point?
As mentioned above, the left wants a One World Government.
The right wants America back.
The left hates the Constitution seeing it as a hindrance to uncontrolled government.
The right sees the Constitution as their protection against government.
The left has a vision of scarcity and reduced expectations.
The right sees opportunity and continued growth.
The left has no apparent moral standards.
The right believes that the moral standards set by our Creator were for our good.
The left believes in nihilism.
The right believes that every person will live in heaven or hell for eternity.
I could go on, but that`s enough to clarify the irreconcilable claim.
In an amicable divorce, reason and compassion play a big role in the settlement. But where one party is unreasonable or hateful, an amicable divorce becomes an impossibility.
Such is our state of affairs in America. There is hate, greed and arrogance on the left which precludes an amicable split.
So, can there be a divorce when one party does not want a divorce, when they want all the assets, when they just want to control the other party?
I guess so, if there is a judge who recognizes the unreasonableness and hatefulness of the beligerent party who has the power to force the divorce and asset division on both parties.
What if there is not such a judge?
The reasonable party must kill the unreasonable, uncompassionate party for their own sake.
The End.