1. The mainstream Media propaganda machine controls many American's view of reality.
2. There are a Great many Americans who do Not have the American Spirit. They are Socialist , Secular humanists. They Believe in Abortion , sexual Immorality and globalism.
3. Many Welfare recipients Vote for their beneficiaries.
How do we continue the Fight to MAGA?
1. We must stop supporting the propaganda machine ( mainsteam Media ) with our cable subscriptions. There are internet-based News outlets that are better sources for "real" News ( CBN for Example ).
2. Christians must get back to evangelizing. It is Christ's Command that we be Witnesses unto Him. Taking back over the Education System is the most practical Way to do this. The next generation of Americans must be taught the Truth about who we are from a historical and Godly perspective.
3. We must let our representatives Know that communities Need to take on the responsibilty of caring for and rehabilitating the needy.
20181109 ( Where were the voices? )
Many Pastors have bought into the "separation of Church and State " Lie. Others don't Believe in mixing Politics and Religion. So they stay quiet.
Politics is a Manifestation of our Spiritual Values Just like every other thing we Say and do. The difference is that our Politics are a direct statement of our Spiritual values. That's Why people get touchy about the subject.
We can disagree politically on whether to spend tax Money on highways or Education. But to disagree on the Spiritual basis and direction of our country is deadly. The Choice God has always put before man is Life or Death. When our Political Choices support anything which God has Condemned we are choosing Death .
I Thank God for those Ministers with national audiences who made Political statements before the mid-terms. I Pray that those who did Not Will come to Understand that man rules the earth until Christ returns. It Will be either Godly or Wicked men.
And Just for clarification: To be Godly is to have your face toward God. To be Wicked is to have your back towards God.