[ Created: 2023-12-20 08:51:16  Updated: 2023-12-20 09:49:16 Owner: rl ]
Title: A false god presenting self-worship and imagination as reality    



There is not one mention of romance in the Bible.   

The reason is that romance is a false god.   It is an idol created to give a higher purpose to life in the rejection of the Lord Jesus Christ.   

Romance is fantasy.   It is ephemeral.   It is self-induced deception.   

But it is fun     for a while.   

Sexual attractions are real.   But that is a biological/psychological reality.   It is not a spiritual reality.   

Only spiritual reality is really real.   Everything else pretends for a while before it fades and disappears.   

Giving oneself over to the power of delusion in anything is foolish - regardless of the short-term high that it provides.   

The reality about males and females is that they were created to complement one another.   The family unit is an institution created by our Lord
    to populate the earth
    to provide stability
    to provide education

Satan hates humanity so he created romance as a substitute for family.   But you may argue that romance leads to families.   

However, if romance is the end game then the family will be sacrificed for romance once the romance in the family dies.   

The glorification of romance has been on the rise with the growth of the entertainment industry.   

Boy meets girl, girl rejects boy, boy persists, girl accepts boy, and they live happily ever after.   

The problem with that tried and true recipe is that virtually all of the stories cooked up with it end in divorce.   

Why?   The romance dies and that was why they came together in the beginning.   

If the purpose of the union is gratification, there will be other opportunities for gratification sooner or later.   

You see, without a vision of our purpose on this earth we do foolish things, chasing dreams that provide nothing more than transitory pleasure and happiness.   

Romance is good, but it is not God.   Romance may bring a couple together but it will not keep the couple together.   

I have listened to the lyrics of the great love songs and researched the lives of the authors.   In virtually every case, the author eventually left the inspiration for their love song in search of romance.   

Romance as implied in the Bible involves a love affair with our Creator.   This kind of romance is eternal because the Object of the romance is perfect and is perfecting.   

The Object of romance aught to be the Lord Jesus Christ who, by virtue of His Holy Spirit, abides with us and in us.   Such intimacy is far beyond any intimacy with a sex partner.   

Furthermore, romance with our Lord Jesus Christ increases as we learn more about Him.   This is the opposite of what happens in human romance.   

Additionally, all that is imperfect in us is healed and replaced with perfection in our romance with Christ Jesus.   

So, recognize that earthly romance is a deceiver who wants you to worship him.   

The Lord Jesus Christ is the one you were born to love, adore and to be joined with.