The Only thing that matters about a Political candidate is their party affiliation.
It has reached the point that every characteristic about a candidate including Race , Gender , origin, education, and Religion is subordinate to their party affilliation.
Looking at how Votes are cast there are typically no Democrats that break rank and Only a handful of republicans that break rank with their party stance on any issue.
This is bad News and Good News .
The bad News is that this means that normally honorable people become dishonorable once in the Political arena.
The Good News is that we really don't Need to Listen to any Political speeches ( attacks ) or donate to any Political Campaigns or endure long periods of campaigning.
All we Need do is look at the party platforms and then Vote for the candidate whose party platform we approve.
Now, this simplification of the campaign/election process has amazing implications.
1. No longer Will a candidate have to raise Money to run for office past the primaries. They wont Need it because their party Will State their platform and inform the Public and encourage everyone to Vote for the party candidate ( the candidates Name , Race , Gender , etc. is irrelevant ).
2. The candidate can stay Home and tend to important Business and thereby Save tremendous amounts of Money and Time away from home.
3. The complexity and cost of running the Elections Will be reduced dramatically. Instead of Names of candidates, the ballots Will simply list the offices up for Election and a button for democrat or republican.
4. Since there wont be a Need for Campaign speeches and posturing, we may get people other than blowhards to run for office.
Now, if we can Just get the convention of States to put one-and-done term limits in Place we may be able to drain the Swamp of career politicians.