[ Created: 2018-10-06 11:45:21  Updated: 2018-10-06 16:41:01 Owner: rl ]
Title: Something that illustrates something larger than itself    


Be an Example in Word and Deed.   

Christ Living through us is the answer.   He Will Speak His Words and He Will do His Deeds through us just like He did in His own Body.   

The Power of Life and Death is in the Tongue.   

Out of the Abundance of the Heart the Mouth Speaks.   

The Sword of the Spirit is the Word of God.   

We Overcome by the Blood of the Lamb and the Word of our Testimony.   

We are commanded to Preach the Gospel Not to Just "act" like Christians.   

While America turned its sights towards Hell there were millions of Christians Living out their Understanding of Christianity with their Mouths shut.   

I don't Give veracity to the Word of God by my actions.   I wont really effect a Change in people's Lives by my Example.   

My Words are Spirit and they are Life.   

God's Word Will Not Return void.   

The Seed that we are to Sow is the Word of God.   

We are salt and light to the extent that we bear witness to His Words.   

Jesus was Not crucified for what He did.   He was crucified for what He said.   

All that Live godly shall suffer persecution.   

If they hated me they Will also Hate you.   

We don't invite Hate and persecution by acting nice.   It is obvious that our Words are what draws these reactions.   

By our Words we are either Justified or Condemned.   

Be an Example in Word and Deed.   

Christ Living through us is the answer.   He Will Speak His Words and He Will do His Deeds through us just like He did in His own Body.