    [ Created: 2018-09-12 07:18:33  Updated: 2019-10-28 18:34:42   Owner: rl ]
Title: To Sow Seed

Find me an addict that wants to be delivered from the lows and highs of their Addiction and I will set them Free by the Authority and Power of Christ Jesus .

It takes Repentance ( rejection of Error ) to be delivered, to be Saved .

I don't know any cyclical drug addicts but I do know a cyclical alcoholic. He does not want to stop drinking and so there is no deliverance for him. As soon as he Repents ( Changes his Mind and Attitude ) about alcohol abuse he can be delivered - but not until then.

We are not called to Enable sinners. We are called to Preach Repentance and Deliverance .

If you look around, most Christian service falls into the category of enablement. This does nothing for the Kingdom of Christ . For the individual, it only prolongs Suffering and delays Salvation .

Real Compassion and real Love is to tell people the Truth so they can Repent . Human compassion and Human love are often shared just for the feel-good afterglow.

All Christians need to get after their Father's business as Christ did.

Jesus extended Grace , Mercy , Healing , Forgiveness and Deliverance to produce Abundant Life . In the process of doing so, He had to deal with selfish, self-serving enemies of the Gospel . To those people He said this:

"I tell you , Nay: but, except You Repent , You shall all likewise Perish ." - Luk 13:3 So, there is no path to Healing , Deliverance or Abundant Life that does not start with Repentance .

How many addicts are there in the world? Too many to spend all of your Time nursing one while the rest are deprived of the Truth .

Unless God calls a person to dedicate their Life to one specific person's Salvation they should not do it.

The parable of the Sower describes how our Ministry should work .
We Sow Seed .

We are not supposed to Sow one Seed and then stand over it until it produces. To do so, is to deny opportunity for other Ground to be sown.

Remember, it is God that Gives the Increase . Trust Him to prepare the Heart for those in whom you Sow .