[ Created: 2018-09-29 10:40:22  Updated: 2021-08-14 19:39:51 Owner: rl ]
Title: The laws of nature     

The PhysicalLaws that govern the Universe were established by Creator God.   They are necessary for Order and stability.   

Those PhysicalLaws are the subject of Science.   So, in some sense a scientist studies God - at least the acts of God.   

"Mathematics is the language with which God wrote the universe." - Galileo

"No human investigation can be called real science if it cannot be demonstrated mathematically." - Leonardo da Vinci

In 'modern' times most scientists are Fools having rejected the existence of Creator God so the quotes that I have encountered from them are nonsensical and are not to be shown much less considered.   

All the hard sciences discover and document the Order that God enacted through His PhysicalLaws.   

The soft sciences are only speculation, theory, philosophy.   In the words of Jeremiah the prophet, the soft sciences are broken cisterns that can hold no water.   Jer 2:13

Be careful of those who use the word, Science, loosely.   They are renegades from God whose purpose is Deception.